123 Search Results for sex


Vitamin and Mineral Absorption with the Duodenal Switch (DS)

April 4, 2016 · 0 comments

As discussed in the Anatomy and Physiology of the DS, the changes in the anatomy created by the Duodenal Switch operation create altered absorption of various vitamin and minerals which can lead to deficiencies if you are not eating properly and taking the proper supplements.  This article will discuss these

Intimate Relationships After WLS - For Better or Worse

For Better or Worse: Intimate Relationships After WLS

March 18, 2016 · 0 comments

Do intimate relationships change after WLS? How will my relationship change after I have surgery? Is bariatric surgery associated with divorce? These are common questions often asked by bariatric surgery patients.  Relationships with others may also change after surgery. Some changes may include:  Despite changing some patterns, most patients are

Feelings Without Food

Face Your Feelings Without Food

February 26, 2016 · 0 comments

How to Face Feelings Without Food Have you noticed that, as a society, we hate to be uncomfortable? Both physically and emotionally, we do our best to make life as easy as possible. And to some degree that makes sense. Given the high-paced, stressful lives that most of us tend

Relationships After WLS

Relationships after WLS – Helping Yourself Helps Others

November 25, 2015 · 0 comments

I’ve heard it said that the only thing in life that remains constant is change. It seems there are greater times of change at some points in life than at others. And the weeks, months and the first couple of years following weight loss surgery are filled with more changes

waffle wedding

True Love at an ObesityHelp Conference

October 13, 2015 · 0 comments

Chris and Sarah Waffle share their love story that began at the ObesityHelp Conference #OH2013. Chris:  It was October 2013 and the sultry Southern California air was thick with chemistry.  #OH2013 was fast approaching and my recent trips to Las Vegas had made money tight.  My only chance was to con

alcohol wls

Drinking Alcohol After Weight Loss Surgery

September 30, 2015 · 0 comments

I’m writing this while on vacation in Europe. The initial purpose of the trip was to attend a professional meeting of the International Federation for the Surgical Treatment of Obesity and Metabolic Disorders (IFSO). I try to attend this meeting every year to gain information about how other parts of

Got to Goal, Still Not Happy

I Got to Goal, Why Am I Still Not Happy?

September 22, 2015 · 0 comments

Got To Goal and Still Not Happy? I have people sit in my office, sometimes 150 or more pounds less than they weighed just a few years prior, most of them got to goal. They can fit comfortably in the chair. They can see their private parts when they look

Obese as a Child to My WLS Success Today

September 17, 2015 · 0 comments

Today, I am a Weight Loss and Wellness Coach at a women’s only gym facility where I have designed and implemented a very successful weight loss and wellness program. I teach small group personal training sessions of my “Weight Loss Boot Camp” class six times a week and run half

75 Reasons to Exercise

July 31, 2015 · 0 comments

Have you ever found yourself sitting on the couch (or if you are like me, sitting in front of the computer) trying to muster up the motivation to get your body moving? You have plenty of excuses why you don’t want to workout. You’ve got other stuff to do. You


Who Says Thin is Beautiful, and Fat is Ugly?

February 25, 2015 · 0 comments

Why are skinny people featured in the media as healthy, sexy, and successful? Why do ad campaigns repeatedly teach us, “New ways to get rid of ugly fat?” Why do most people want to be thin? Back in the day, having a few extra pounds was a sign of wealth.

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