25 Search Results for halloween

holiday food

Shut The Food Flood Gates To Holiday Eating

October 24, 2013 · 0 comments

For many weight loss surgery patients, October marks the time that the holidays begin. There are the cute little candy bars that are aplenty, then followed by Thanksgiving, and then the grand finale of December holiday eating. The three month long eating spree is followed by the rationalization and promise

10 Nutrition Tips For Your Good Health

10 Nutrition Tips For Your Good Health

October 22, 2013 · 0 comments

Nutrition Niblets 10 interesting facts about some of the delicious foods we eat! 1.  Parsley has twice as much Iron as spinach and three times more vitamin C than oranges.  It is also used as a digestive aid and as a natural breath freshener. 2.  Onions contain sulfur compounds that

Fun Times Before And After The OH Conference!

September 19, 2013 · 0 comments

Come Join Us For Fun, Friendship, Education, and Support At The ObesityHelp Conference!   We already know that there will be much fun to be had at the ObesityHelp National Conference on October 4th & 5th. (Just 14 more days until we see you all in Anaheim, California!) But just

Are You A Food Addict?

October 24, 2012 · 0 comments

We asked OH Members...Are You A Food Addict? OH Members who answered yes, remember the moments when they finally accepted that they were addicted to food: I realized I was literally only looking forward to meal times. I would wake up and wonder, “Hmm, I think I’ll get chicken nuggets

13 Spooktacular and Haunting Websites To Visit!

October 17, 2012 · 0 comments

Happy Halloween! 13 Spooktacular and Haunting Websites to Visit! Halloween is almost here and it's time for some spooky fun! Many of you spend weeks, even months in advance planning your Halloween festivities and costumes to celebrate one of the wold's oldest holidays. Perhaps you will visit a haunted house,