Sandra B.

Obesity & Me

Describe your behavioral and emotional battle with weight control before learning about bariatric surgery.

I have always had a problem with controlling my weight. The same battles all of you have had or you wouldn't be readying this sight. Years of diet pills, extreme exercising, eating disorders....One year I may be 170 and the next year 230. My highest weight was 266 when I had surgery. I remember laying on the table waiting for surgery and being angry at myself for not being able to control my wieght...I actually cried a little. Then I said to myself....this is your last chance and you have to make this work.

What was (is) the worst thing about being overweight?

I think that being ashamed of myself and feeling that people looked at me as having no will power. With all the wight I had lost in my life Idid have will power. I hated going places with my husband becaus I thought people would feel sorry for him being married to a Fat Women. I am a professional with two master's degrees but did not feel people saw that professional when they looked at me. So, I guess the worst part was always worrying about what people thought when they looked at me. Another really big thing was NEVER feeling like I was full/satisfied. I could be feeling sick from eating to much and now feeling mentally full. I think those of us this this problem have some kind of disorder....Surgery helps that..,,,

If you have had weight loss surgery already, what things do you most enjoy doing now that you weren't able to do before?

I had surgery 10 years ago this month. I lost 105 pounds...I am 5'8" so 159 was a great weight. The best part is that for a year I was not hungry. I didn't pass McDonald's and want to stop. I get more hungry now but it is so much better than before. I wore a size 10 for first 6 years. I still watch the scale because the surgery is just a tool. I try to exercise. I have gained 20 pounds during the last four years but I am now 65 and I wear some 10's but mostly 12's. I still diet a few months a year but it is easier to lose 20 pounds than 60. I love that now when people look at me they don't know or maybe don't remember that person. I love riding bikes with my great grand children. I love not being embarassed to go out to eat. I love traveling to Europe for three weeks and bing able to walk up many flights of stairs and not be winded. I love holding hands with my husband in public and feeling like he is proud of me.... There are just so many things that change when you lose weight and feel good about yourself. I know somme people say they are doing this for their health but I had no health issues. I just wanted to feel good and be able to ride horses(there is a weight limit)....walk up stairs....sit in student desks have people compliment me on they way I look....not people that knew I had surgery but other was the best thing I ever did for myself.

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