Describe your behavioral and emotional battle with weight control before learning about bariatric surgery.
Before I had my WLS I was miserable. I hated the way I looked and hated even more the way people would look at me. The worst thing was when a woman came up to me in the grocery store and asked me when my baby was due? I felt humiliated . I knew then and there I had to do something. shorty after that I began looking into WLS.
What was (is) the worst thing about being overweight?
Being embarassed. My kids were asp embarrassed to be around me.
If you have had weight loss surgery already, what things do you most enjoy doing now that you weren't able to do before?
I had my surgery 10 years ago. I lost 100 pounds. Three years later I started gaining weight and by 5 years out I had gained every pound back. Before gaining the weight I could do things like walk farther,cross my legs the best thing was being able to shop in the regular woman's section not the plus size. Those were the good things about the surgery. Everything was fie except the fact that I did regain weight. Now I am 10years after and my life is miserable. Starting this past September my world was turned upside down. It started with nausea and severe constipation. Then I started losing weight. My primary doctor referred me to a GI doc. You know it's amazing when you are overweight no one is concerned when you lose weight because you feel I'll. They just say that's great you are losing weight. Well another month went by my nausea became worse I started vomiting and continued to lose weight Doctor finally ordered a endoscopy and colonoscopy.He said I had some inflammation. no biggy Found one polyp precancerous could not see all my colon because I wasn't totally cleaned out. I have lost 60 pounds in 3 months down to 180pounds sick as a dog can only eat about 300 calories a day no solids Finally I have referred back to a bariatric surgeon he is going do exploratory surgery and possible place a feeding tube in me. In the mean time I wish people would stop saying how great I must feel losing the weight. Normally I would be happy if it was intentional. Hopefully I will know something soon.