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Obesity & Me

Describe your behavioral and emotional battle with weight control before learning about bariatric surgery.

I would guess as with most here on OH I've struggled with obesity most of my life. I was the fat kid in school. I can remember shopping for clothes with my mother and going to the "husky" section in the store. I dealt with the bullying and cruelty from my schoolmates through my high school years. Finally, at age 15 I went on my 1st diet. I weighed 265 lbs. I starved myself for 6 months and lost 100 lbs. that was the beginning of the roller coaster we all hear about. In the 40 years since, I've lost and gained close to 1000 lbs. today I am 5'8" and weigh 340 lbs. I'm 60 years old and suffer from two arthritic knees and severe arthritis in my neck. I also have other health issues including hypertension and apnea. I decided 5 years ago to try Lap Band surgery. I went through the whole pre-op program with one week to go before surgery and found out, through a clerical error, my insurance would not cover any of it. Now, 5 years later I've decided to try again as a self pay for VSR surgery. I'm currently in the research mode and considering Mexico mainly because of the lower costs. I'm also dealing with my girl friend with whom I've shared a home with for many years, not being 100% on board with my decision but I'm going through with this and am determined to beat this weight once and for all.

What was (is) the worst thing about being overweight?

As I get older, the physical strain of carrying the weight is really taking affect. I live with pain every day. I still try to stay somewhat active. I'm an avid motorcycle rider and I stay up on our 1 acre yard but I am totally spent after only a short time doing any of those activities. But, I think most devastating thing about being obese is the prejudice you must deal with daily. I have been both extremely fat and relatively thin. I know I am treated differently thin than I am fat. When I was thin I got better jobs an more promotions. I was told by a superior once when I had gained back considerable weight that I was lazy and lackadaisical. I WAS THE SAME PERSON DOING THE SAME JOB! Nothing changed except my appearance. I see the eyes on me when I walk into a restaurant or a grocery store. I'm tired of having to spend twice as much at the big and tall shop for clothes. I travel often for work and every time I get on an airplane I can see the looks on everyone's face hoping I won't sit next to them. I feel like a failure, not because I'm overweight but because I know what it's like to be thin and I let myself get like this again and again and again.

If you have had weight loss surgery already, what things do you most enjoy doing now that you weren't able to do before?

I haven't had my surgery yet but I know what's its like to lose weight and be thin. I know how I feel better , not only physically but I feel better about myself.

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