
  • BMI 34.2

Obesity & Me

Describe your behavioral and emotional battle with weight control before learning about bariatric surgery.

I had a lap band on June 13, 20012. My insurance does not cover gastic sleeve and I do not know how long and when thet will make a decision.

What was (is) the worst thing about being overweight?

I was getting short of breath. My indurance to do any chore or task was increasingly difficult. I was having more and more trouble tieing my shoes. Also I had trouble or could not pick thinks up from the floor. I felt like I was aging faster than my biological age. My cloths keep on getting too tight. I could no longer buy clothes in stores. I had to but from plus size catalogues.

If you have had weight loss surgery already, what things do you most enjoy doing now that you weren't able to do before?

I can tie my shoes and bend down to pick things off the floor,People tell me I look like I lost weight. I'm still having a lot of difficult with my low calorie low fat diet. I have not found a cookbook or a site or a recipe that meets the restrctions on this nutrients. I feel I would loose more weight if I had more information. I cannot seem to get in touch with my doctodrs nutritionist.

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