
Obesity & Me

Describe your behavioral and emotional battle with weight control before learning about bariatric surgery.

Prior to weight loss surgery, I was a 5' 6", 260 lb emotional eater. I tried numerous diets, some of which were successful for a little while. Then stressful events would lead me back to prior behavior and poor eating habits. The Yo-Yo syndrome was an understatement! I began to have many health concerns, most hereditary ( high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart problems, pre-diabetic, arthritic knees, and fibromyalgia). I asked my PCP for some diet pills, he refused and told me that I should consider weight loss surgery. At first I thought that was rather extreme, but after I researched the different types of weight loss surgeries, went to several seminars and spoke with local physicians; this appeared to be a tool that would be very beneficial to me.

What was (is) the worst thing about being overweight?

Being in constant pain was the worst thing about being overweight.

If you have had weight loss surgery already, what things do you most enjoy doing now that you weren't able to do before?

My gastic bypass surgery was performed by Dr. Christina Li on Feb. 23, 2012. I was surprised at how quickly I recovered and the minimal pain I experienced. I had pain meds the day of surgery (Thurs) and had a couple Tylenol on Sun. That was it for pain meds!! At my one week check up, everyone was surprised at my appearance. I was told "I didn't look like I had surgery last week." and I had lost 16 lbs. (^_^) To Dr. Li, and my nutritionist, Melissa, I give enormous KUDOS, they're awesome. Several of my coworkers are now researching the possibility of weight loss surgery, due to the progress and support I receive from my new bariatric family. I am overjoyed at my success thus far, my knees don't hurt as much, my high blood pressure and cholesterol are down almost normal, hardly any pain from fibromyalgia, and to date I have lost 34 lbs. I can go up and down stairs with minimal pain on knees. Can walk for 4 miles, before only a couple of blocks. I am truly blessed. (^_^)

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