
Obesity & Me

Describe your behavioral and emotional battle with weight control before learning about bariatric surgery.

Most of my life has revolved around my weight problem, starting from when I was in pre-school in the 1960s. Obesity has played a role in all of my life issues. Now, finally, all the pieces are in place for me to have bariatric surgery. I am scheduled for a Roux en Y on April 17. I am struggling with these issues - can you answer these questions, please? Thanks!! Will I feel hungry after surgery? Will I regret What about head hunger? What about anxiety? My innocence and naïveté about eating are lost. I am giving up the ability to self medicate. I am now permanently filling in with concrete the hole in which I have buried my head and my problems. It will be hard to numb myself. Where will I find peace? What will recovery be like? How much pain? Will I experience hunger, ever? Will I enjoy food, ever? Will I feel hunger when it's time to eat, ever? How will I know when to stop eating? In the beginning, will I feel full after eating? How full? Borderline full (that never stopped me from continuing to eat, before), or is it like gorging after a buffet-full? Will I feel full enough to be satisfied? What can I do to help the skin shrink normally? Will I have the starving urge to scarf down the little food I can eat and have uncontrollable hunger ever again? Do you become more emotionally vulnerableafter Bariatric surgery? Will I be unable to eat and drink at the same time forever, or just temporarily? Will I ever be able to eat sweets, if I want them (this is not my weakness, although I have many)? How awkward is it to chew slowly and take 20 minutes for tiny meals? Is this just temporary?

What was (is) the worst thing about being overweight?

Just everything. People treat me as though I were invisible.

If you have had weight loss surgery already, what things do you most enjoy doing now that you weren't able to do before?

I have not had the surgery yet.

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