Describe your behavioral and emotional battle with weight control before learning about bariatric surgery.
I was indifferent. I felt like I couldn't change it, even though I tried to, often. I felt defeated and thought, "What does it matter whether I eat this or not." It was easy to be complacent because I had a tightly woven circle of friends & family surrounding me, and they always made it clear they loved me just the way I was.
But I didn't love me, at least, not totally.
What was (is) the worst thing about being overweight?
The lazy mind that comes with it. The feeling of wishing I could just, "get up and go DO something." It even impacted the way I was raising my children.
If you have had weight loss surgery already, what things do you most enjoy doing now that you weren't able to do before?
I enjoy trotting with my kids. I love feeling weightless, and it definitely inspires me to go harder. I love the way I am so conscientious of the food I buy for myself, and for my family. I read all the labels now, & even if I do buy something that should be eaten occasionally, I have learned to portion. That is amazing.
I love that I can layer clothing and that I like what I see in the mirror. Whatever confidence I had in myself before, pales in comparison to the boldness I have. I say what I want, and I am not too upset if I don't get it, because now I have the stamina to work harder for it.
My kids. They love how active I am, and they take advantage! Now, it's never a problem for me to grab a soccer ball, or my favorite, a handball, & tell the kids, "race you to the park!" It's fun. I know I'm setting a great example for them.
My marriage. My weight loss uncovered a lot of areas in my relationship with my husband that needed to be repaired. There are rough spots, but we are working on it. I love me more enough now to say what I need and not feel sorry for needing it.
Understatement: Weight Loss Surgery helped me to get out of the Adult Obesity Slump.