Describe your behavioral and emotional battle with weight control before learning about bariatric surgery.
I have had a lifetime battle as many have with weight gain and weight loss. Fad diets and quick weight loss schemes and several hundred dollars spent on diet books and gimmicks of all kinds. Books, Tapes CD"s, diet Cook books of every shape and size . And of course diet pills from the very reliable specialized weight loss Dr. to drop several pounds very quickly changing me into a new woman. The only problem being none of these things were healthy. They were all bandaids, and they never taught me how to eat right and to eat when I was supposed to eat. I ate for emotional reasons as well. I ate out of boredom, frustration, anger, stress, worry, money problems. you name it I ate becuase of it. However, if you knew me personally most know me as an "in control" individual who is very strong and can pretty much handle what's put in front of her, accept a plate of food. Diabetes runs rampant in my family. My brother is also heavy and 9 years older than myself', and is very very sick from it. He is 70 Do the math. I tell you this because I just had weight loss surgery 3 months ago and it has CHANGED my life in ways you cannot imagine. I wish I could travel the country and speak to those who are frightened to have the surgery, as I was, and to speak to those who are going to have the surgery to tell them you ARE doing the ABSOLUTE most LIFE-SAVING, LIFE ALTERING thing you could possibly do for yourself. The rewards just keep on coming. And you can have the surgery at my age, later in life. Has it been easy NO. But what in lfe is. I truly believe if I had not done this I would not be here today. I have had two serious back surgeries with wire cages at 4 levels in my spine. My spine is so loaded with arthritis I couldn't walk 5 ft. I had asthma because I was a smoker as well It will be 3 years March 20 I have not smoked thanks to CHANTIX. You can"t have this operation and smoke so throw the cigerettes out ladies and gentlemen.It won't fly with the DOCS! I had Brain Surgery and was left with some eye problems and residual headaches, I have headaches everyday. numbness and tingling inmy hands and feet. The end result was I couldn't walk anymore and on a scale from one to ten my pain level was at a steady 9. I couldn't work anymore and I stopped socializing. I had to have a couple more minor surgeries after that but depression set in and of course then comes the weight gain. That was the perfect excuse to just lay down and give up and quit on everything. I felt sorry for myself so I ate and ate and I ate until I weighed 320 pounds. I literally could not breathe and could not walk anywhere because the pain in my back and legs was so ad. I ultimately ended up on a c-pap machine and oxygen along with steroids and 2 inhalers I had to use daily. I ended up at a pain clinic getting very painful injections in my spine on a regular basis and of course those wonderful narcotics that make you feel like a zombie from outer space. Nice life Huh? Something had to change and change FAST! I was eating myself to death. So I did my research and my homework for the surgery. Both are very very important. The work before surgery is so important The nutrition visits, the journaling you do before you go to visit the nutritionist (food diaries) ETC. The psychiatrist you go to see.and any testing they put you through is all imparitive to your successful outcome as meaningless as it might seem to you it all serves its purpose trust me. It works together all of it.All for your benefit. So don't take any shortcuts, Oh, and the seminars that you have to attend prior to starting your journey with the weight loss procedure you are going to have, they don't all have to cost you money. I had one of the top surgeons in the country from Rochester, NY do my surgery. His weight loss seminar cost me ZERO DOLLARS! So do your homework. I don't think it's necessary to have to be charged for something like that when you are going to ultimately pay for it anyway.This doctor and the whole organization I went to was TOP-NOTCH. My DR didn't feel it necessary to charge. So what's up with all the others???? I was sick all the time and on antibiotucs all the time. My life was horrible and I looked horrible My family loves me but I know they were embarrassed to go out with me so I just didn't go. I am now 3 months out of surgery and down115 pounds. Noone knows who I am because I cut my hair shorter and I am down 5 sizes in clothes and going on 6. I look and act completely different My whole outlook on life has changed. I am walking about a mile and a half a day now outside I walked with a cane before. I no longer am on C-PAP or oxygen I only have to use my inhalers once in a while. I am coming off the pain meds now and exercising on a total gym daily something that was unheard of a year ago even 6 months ago. My blood pressure is now normal I am off Vesicare and no longer have bladder control issues, another cause of weight gain. That stopped 1 wk out of surgery.I am out socializing and meeting and being with people, something I missed and loved to do. If I have helped just one person by giving them the courage to proceed to do what I believe is life saving and life changing then my story has done it's job. Are ther sacrifices yes there are. Was it worth it , absolutely, OVER AND OVER again.Did I have to make life changes, Yes I did but that is what was needed to pull me out of the failed rut of the diet roller coaster that so many of us are fooled by. This is a life style change and a healthy one to live by because the nutrionists make sure you know how and what to eat before you go into surgery. It was almost 10 months before I got clearance for my surgery. but don't panic everyone is different. and there are different insurance regulations for each insurance company and person. so what took 10 months for me might only take 6 months for someone else. Make an informed choice for a Doctor. Do your Homework, talk to people who have had it done. ASK questions It matters. IT WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE FOREVER!!!!!! GOOD LUCK to all .
What was (is) the worst thing about being overweight?
My depression and low self asteem I lacked the will to socialize and I am a people person and didnt want to leave the house or talk to anyone
If you have had weight loss surgery already, what things do you most enjoy doing now that you weren't able to do before?
I love to dance and I can now exercise and walk I was in severe pain before my surgery I can clean and take care of my house now and do thing s for myself I could not do before Most of all I can be an example for others who are suffering with morbid obesity I wish I could travel and speak so I could help others and take away the fears that so many of us have about the surgery I know I did