Describe your behavioral and emotional battle with weight control before learning about bariatric surgery.
my eating was out of control, food was my comfort, I was overweight my whole life, after 3 children i got up to 304 it took me a year too look into having surgery before I did
What was (is) the worst thing about being overweight?
Being judged and having people assume your lazy
If you have had weight loss surgery already, what things do you most enjoy doing now that you weren't able to do before?
At first everything was great but know 8 years out I have a bowl obtruction, degenerated disc, had hemroid surgery retum fistula, my Drs. make me feel like I am am a drug addict, I was diagnosed with Lupus, and somthing called MTHFR, since I had my surgery in California I can not get a gastric bypass Dr treat me, the only thing good about it is, I have kept all my weight off due to always being sick, I am nausated, dehydrated most of the time, and in pain 24/7 I make myself get up and do things because I know my children our tired of seeeing me in bed all the time, I also suffered depression starting in 2007 when my oldest son at the age of 11 developed anorexia and almost died he is 16 and we still battle it, its hard not to feel guilty about it, I really think my energy level and health was better when I was overweight, I am mannurished, and need Vit B 12 shots each week, and am anemic, I take care of myself as best as I can, but because regular PCP do not understand Gastric Bypass patients I have been let go by 3 of them, they all want to diagnose me, but not treat me, very frustrated and worried about the degerated disc and bowl obstruction