
Obesity & Me

Describe your behavioral and emotional battle with weight control before learning about bariatric surgery.

I went up and down with my weight all my life. It got to the point that I could only loose weight if I ate 800 cal. a day or less. That is starving. As soon as I started eating more I gained back everything plus more. I would look at myself and say" YOU FAT HOG." I would go into stores and ask "Where is the fat girl dept."I hated the way I looked. It was hard to find clothes that fit and looked good.I got to be as big around as I was tall. I had a hard time going up steps. Walking was hard for me also. I had a sit down job and when I got home I would be tired so I would sit and watch TV. I had very few friends and did not go out often. I would go out to eat by myself. I closed myself in a world of fat. My health was starting to go down hill. I was getting older and felt that I would be dead or disabled if I did not do something to help myself.

What was (is) the worst thing about being overweight?

I can't say just one thing. There are so many. The way people look at you. What they say to you, or wisper to a friend so you can hear.The way you feel. Always tired. Not being able to keep up with family and friends when you go out. Never feeling good.

If you have had weight loss surgery already, what things do you most enjoy doing now that you weren't able to do before?

I love to walk. I could walk only a short distance befor surgery. Now I can walk 5 miles and still have energy enough to go out dancing. I can keep up when I go out with friends and family. I feel better.I can exercise and enjoy doing it. I can find clothes that fit and look good. I can go up steps and not have to stop half way up.

How did you first find out about bariatric surgery and what were your initial impressions of it?

I saw on TV that stars were getting this surgery to help them loose weight. I started to check around to see if real people could get this done. I was many years untill there was someone in my area who did this type of surgery. It all made sense to me. Learn how to eat and what to eat and when to eat. Get a new baby stomach that only lets you eat a little. Get healthy and live better.

Describe your experience with getting insurance approval for surgery. What advice, if any, do you have for other people in this stage?

I was so blessed. My insurance company went along with my plan.

What was your first visit with your surgeon like? How can people get the most out of this meeting?

When I found out all the work I had to do to get this done I left the doctors office and never went back. It was just to much. All the tests, the classes, it was to far for me to go to doctor. I quit. A few months later after a bad vacation where being FAT again held me back I found a new doctor much closer and started again. I liked this doctor much better. It is so important to like and trust you doctor. I knew I would have to do my part befor the surgery but this time I was ready to do it...Not try to do it....DO IT.

What made you finally decide to have the surgery?

Feeling tired all the time. Never feeling healthy.

How did you decide which proceedure to have?

I never had any question with that. Do it all and be done.

What fears did you have about having complications or even dying from from the surgery, and what would you tell other people having the same fears now?

I had no fear. I knew that God would look after me. If it is your time to die you will. It does not matter what you are doing. You could die walking across the street. Or you could die in surgery. Faith is what helped me. I had no fear of complications either.

How did your family and friends react to your decision? Would you have communicated anything differently if you could now? How supportive were they after your surgery?

This was not good!!!No one wanted me to do this. They just could not understand how bad I felt. Your to old 59 is to old to get that kind of surgery. They had fears.I had no support befor or after surgery. I had to do this on my own. With the help of my doctor and his staff I felt I could do this. I don't think I could have said or done anything to get them on my side.

How did your employer/supervisor react to your decision? What did you tell him/her? How long were you out of work?

I had no problem with my employer. I was out about a month. They told me I could have longer if I needed it. I told them I would come back healthy and happier then when I left. They were very supportive.

What was it like attending your first information seminar on weight loss surgery? Were you glad you attended? if so, why?

I went to the seminar to see if I liked the doctor. It was also very helpful with information about the surgery and what you had to do befor and after to get and stay healthy.

What was your stay in the hospital like? How long where you there? What things are most important to bring?

Truth time. Don't read this if you hate pain. They could not control my pain. It was bad the 3 days I was in the hospital. I was to be up and walking the halls the first day. That did not happen. The pain eased when they removed to packing. After that I could handle it. It did not go away for a long time. But yes I would do it over again.Take a book and listen to the staff.

Did you have any complications from the surgery? If so, how did you deal with them?

Pain. Even the best pain medication did not work. They gave me 2 kinds of pain medication and I could just handle the pain. You do what you have to do. The reward is worth it.

In the weeks after you got your surgery date, how did you feel? How did you cope with any anxiety you might have felt?

NO Fear. I was happy it was going to happen. I waited so long almost 6 months.

Describe your first few weeks home from the hospital. What should people expect from this period?

The first few weeks were not pleasant. Think of it this way. You have a new baby stomach. The size of a newborns stomach. Treat it like you would a newborns stomach. Give it water to start. Then infant food. Then junior food. Only give it a little at a time. Follow all the rules and take you protene and vitimans.If you do not follow the rules you will pay!!Your body will tell you. I found there is nothing you can do but wait and hang on if you mess up. I went to junior food to soon and I felt so sick. I could not vomit but wanted to. Dumping is no fun but you learn from it. It gets easier. I came up with this to help me. I EAT TO LIVE>>>>>I DO NOT LIVE TO EAT<<<< Food is no longer my friend. It will not make me feel better when I am upset.

How far did you travel to have your surgery? (If far, how did this affect your aftercare?)

Lucky for me the hospital was at most 10 miles away. I got GREAT after care.

Please describe in detail what things you could and couldn't eat in the weeks and months following surgery. What foods have been off limits? Please explain how your dietary tolerance changed week-by-week, and then month-by-month since surgery.

I LOVED diet COKE and Doctor Pepper. Soda was what I drank. Not water or milk. I could not drink soda at all after surgery. Three yeras later I still can't drink it. But now I don't miss it.When I went from water only to infant food I found cream soup was good. Protene shakes were good. I used baby food to keep me on track. The melt in your mouth vitimans are great. Each stage I got more baby food. I would add some pepper. Maybe try oatmeal or rice cereral. I dumped on the oatmeal and did not eat it again for a year. When I could do real food I kept it soft. No crunch food for months. Then Salad. No salad dressing. Enjoy the taste of the food. Do not cover it up with dressing.I learned to enjoy a little of this and a bite of that. Mashed potatoes were great but only a bite. If I went out to eat I would get a take home box and have 2 or 3 meals in leftovers. Or I would share with a friend and take a few bites of there dinner and be full and happy.Your body will let you know what you can and can not eat. Listen to the support staff from you doctor. Call them if you have to.

What was your actvity level in the days and weeks after surgery?

I felt better each day. I was back in the gym a few days after surgery. You have to be careful but walking is good. Build up slowly with exercise. I felt lighter every day. I wanted to get out and walk and exercise. I had to tell myself to slow down and be careful.

What vitamins and/or dietary supplements have you taken since your surgery?

I took the Bariatric chewable vitimans and calcium and iron. Everything I was told to take by the dietary staff. Protene is also important.As time goes on you must remember you must always take your vitimans and calcium to stay healthy.

What side effects (nausea, vomiting, sleep disturbace, dumping, hair loss etc.) were worse for you? For how long after surgery did they persist? How did you cope with them?

Lucky again... I had very little trouble with dumping. I followed the rules and kept to my diet and all went well. No hair loss. Trouble sleeping due to pain for about 2 weeks. I took some liquid pain medicine and took a lot of naps.

What was the worst part about the entire bariatric surgery process?

The Pain after surgery. And getting used to the idea that my whole thought process about food had to change forever!!!!

What aftercare support group/program do you have? How helpful/important is this?

I had to go back to work. My schedule kept me from most of the support meetings. I wish I could have gone to the mettings. It is very hard to support yourself. Thank God for the doctor and his staff. It is very helpful to have support.

What is your scar like? Is this what you expected?

What scar??? It has been three years and I can't find any scars. I had a lot of little cuts not one big one. This is much better than I expected.

Please describe any plateau experiences you have had since surgery.

This may sound crazy but I lost a little to much weight and could not gain for a while.I am 5 ft. tall and weighed 207. I was as round as I am tall. I lost about 60 pounds the first year and thought look out here comes that gain thing they talked about but it never happened. At least not yet 3 years later.I was floating between 95 and 98 for over a year. I got down that far and did not even know when it happened. I stoped weighing myself all the time and just enjoyed the way I felt.Now I am 104 and still can't beleve it when someone says you are so thin.

Do you notice people treating you any differently now?

Yes I DO. The first person who I noticed treating me better was ME!!!! I know longer look at myself and say"YOU FAT HOG". I still do not know the person I see when I look at myself but I like them a lot better than that fat one. I still think I am that fat one sometimes and then I see the new me and smile. Other people think I was always thin. When I tell them about the surgery they can't beleve that I was that big. I keep a picture to show.
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