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  • BMI 57.2

Obesity & Me

Describe your behavioral and emotional battle with weight control before learning about bariatric surgery.

When I was 16 I was tall & slim and bursting with confidence. And then I met Richard. I cant say that my weight gain was his fault but it certainly didnt help. I was with him 7 years and had my son with him. Hes constant niggling, nasty comments to me, it seemed he was very controlling, manipulating, constant remarks how he prefered "the bigger girl" etc etc and being very young and niave I assumed this was normal behavior. When I finally had the courage to leave him I went up to about a size 24 .. about 300 lbs. This is where it all went down a slippery slope. I met Mike, I know again sounds like an excuse but I was blissfully happy and because I was happy I was comfort eating. Suffering also from PCOS (Polysystic ovaries) Several type of artheritus and a under active thioroid, I found my weight gain go crazy and no matter how hard I tried I just couldnt shift the weight. I tried every diet in the book and sounds silly but on the diet I ended up puttin ON more weight as I was getting so embarrased and annoyed with myself I ended up eating more.

What was (is) the worst thing about being overweight?

The worst part to me was the confidence levels. I have always been loud and proud and ALWAYS put on a face that I didnt care how big I was, It was always a lie. I was (and still am) loud, never been shy but the thought of owning a skirt scared the life out of me, even to wear a small heal on shoes. It almost feels like i was living a lie. When I used to go to friends weddings, I never ever appeared in any of there pics, I always had to go to the toilets, couldnt move because of my feet hurting or i had a urgent call i had to take etc etc.. the excuses was endless. If ever I had a email from facebook saying someone tagged me in a photo, OMG I almost had panic attacks.

If you have had weight loss surgery already, what things do you most enjoy doing now that you weren't able to do before?

Since I had my gastric Bypass operation 13 days ago I havent weighed myself yet but pre op ive managed to lose 62lbs so from 410lbs im now (well 13 days ago) i had lost 62lbs woop woop. I know it will be one of the hardest things to do but Im going to weigh in every 16th day of the month. I have to do it this way as ill have a extreamly bad addiction to weighing scales (already started so i had to get rid of the scales post op) To be continued lol xxxxx

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