Describe your behavioral and emotional battle with weight control before learning about bariatric surgery.
I have had problems with my weight at a young age, my parents were the parents that have you sit at the table till your plate is clean no matter how long you sat full or not. If it wasn't finish it would be in the fridge waiting for you the next day for breakfast. I this kept on for quite awhile, being fed candy soda pretty much what ever as long as I finshed dinner. At the age of 15 years I weighed 265 pounds and had hardly any friends, this went on till about 17. From ages 17 years to 20 years I managed to loose 120 pounds and thats when I met my husband, My first pregnancy I gained about 50 pounds, then a few months later I was prenant again and hadn't put a dent in the baby weight, by the end of this pregnancy I managed to gain all weight back. Few months later I got pregnant with my daughter, and I just had to give up on losing the weight and maintain what I could during the pregnancy. I went from 267 to 220 with in a few years I still to this day have a hard time getting lower then 220 no matter how much I work out diet watch what I eat it don't move I gain and lose gain and loose. I have thought about surgery for quite awhile, and finally decided to go and start the process. i am very excited, scared, nervous, anxious you name it I feel it.I have been fortunate enough to watch a friend and sister-in-law with their journy and they have been very successful. I am finally looking forward insead of looking back.
What was (is) the worst thing about being overweight?
Not having the energy to keep up woth my children, and my husband suffers because well i will just say the bedroom has been for sleep only for awhle now. Not being able to feel confidant to go to the beach I felt odd wearing jeans and a t-shit.
If you have had weight loss surgery already, what things do you most enjoy doing now that you weren't able to do before?
Waiting to finish with nutrition and testing. Then insurance approval.