Describe your behavioral and emotional battle with weight control before learning about bariatric surgery.
I think I have always been depressed. I have never been the 'good child' to my mother, have never thought I was good enough for my husband and kids. I would never eat large amounts of food, but always the wrong kinds, and do it at night when nobody could see or judge me. I have always thought that people were pointing and whispering behind my back which just gave me another reason to doubt myself.
What was (is) the worst thing about being overweight?
I hate(d) being overweight because I could not go shopping like 'normal' people. Embarrassed about the way I look. Wondered what other people thought when they would look in my grocery cart. Some friends and I used to go on vacations once a year, but I quit going because I know I could not keep up with them and I did not want to hold them back from doing things they wanted (allthough they would never say that) I quit going anywhere except to work and the grocery story unless I absolutely had to go.
If you have had weight loss surgery already, what things do you most enjoy doing now that you weren't able to do before?
I am only 6 days out from surgery so it is hard to tell what exactly I am going to enjoy doing. I do know that I have a 1 month old grandson and another due in 2 months and I am SO looking forward to spending many years watching them grow up!