
Obesity & Me

Describe your behavioral and emotional battle with weight control before learning about bariatric surgery.

For the past 15yrs after I had my son ive been fighting my weight up/down. Stress and smoking was the easiest form of weight loss for me. It would happen fast and I would be down to a size 7 in no time but once back in the routine of things I would gain it back. Now that I quit smoking for good, i have put on so much weight that I can't control it any longer. I do not eat that often and am concerned something else is wrong with me. I've never had a appetite in the mornings so I tend to eat a late lunch and dinner usually which contains vegetables of some sort. I feel i eat pretty healthy. My Dr. says im borderline diabetic, borderline high blood pressure and my cholesterol is out of control but other then that, im healthy. I beg to differ. I dont' drink anymore and you would think that would help to drop some weight and working and being on my feet all day would drop some weight. Nope. So now im here and am tired of feeling this way and need to make a change in my life. My son is over weight, and in order to really help him I have to help myself first.

What was (is) the worst thing about being overweight?

The worse thing about being the weight I am now is how horrible I feel every day. My legs swell up, my arms are tingly, im tired, sleeping more, headaches, no desire to go anywhere, be around anyone, depressed and I really hate the size of my boobs.

If you have had weight loss surgery already, what things do you most enjoy doing now that you weren't able to do before?

Be happy to be able to tie my shoes without being out of breath.

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