
  • BMI 42.2

Obesity & Me

Describe your behavioral and emotional battle with weight control before learning about bariatric surgery.

Hi :) I have my earliest memories of being obese @ around age 8. I have been on many diet plans including being on weight watchers with my parents when I was 10. I was tormented and teased by my peers and my family never spared my feelings on the subject either. I lost weight in highschool because I hung out with the crowd that accepted me for me. I had insecurities so bad I dated one loser to the next because I never thought I could do any better. I was very thin before I had my first daughter and then my second daughter was so big I had to have a brace made just to hold her up so I could work until she was born. I was back to obese central. My kids father was a muscle head he is actually a manager at a gym. For fear of losing him to all the fit girls there I joined. I hired a personal trainer, went on many diets. I lost but I couldn't do everything because my knees were so bad from all the weight. I eventually lost him too. I know its because of lack of attraction and I was always so paranoid because of my self esteem issues. I spoke with my doctor about WLS and she was always telling me you can do it yourself you don't need surgery. Well kind of hard to tell someone you see for 5 minutes out of their time every year that they can do it themselves. I said I want a second opinion so I switched doctors. My new one was amazing!!! He said definitely I was a candidate. I had sleep apnea, GERD, depression, arthritis, chronic back pain. I was only 29. I got a referral to see Dr. Chad Ringley. I used to work with him on the same floor of the hospital. I trust him completely. I was sent to the seminar, did all the testing, and he is very compassionate and his staff were all amazing wonderful gals too:) I am waiting for my surgery date as soon as I get clearance from my Rheumatologist!!! I can't wait!! Update!! Surgery is scheduled 03-15-2012!!!

What was (is) the worst thing about being overweight?

Not being able to be as active with my kids, also the mentality that I let obesity be the definition of me instead of looking at all the wonderful qualities I had.

If you have had weight loss surgery already, what things do you most enjoy doing now that you weren't able to do before?

I havent had surgery yet but very soon!!! 2/16/2012- Well I was denied by insurance. I have to wait until July now :( I have everything in order just more visits with my doctor. I shouldve never switched insurances in January. Ithought it would make it better but I was SSOOOOO wrong!

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