
  • BMI 41.2

Obesity & Me

Describe your behavioral and emotional battle with weight control before learning about bariatric surgery.

i had ben overweight ever since i was 11. I went through junior high and high school being "chunky," which over time, snowballed into becoming morbidly obese. I started dieting around age 13...while being extremely physically active, but to no avail, I was still ridiculously over weight. When gastric bypasswas first introduced, it seemed like an etremely risky surgery. I probably began considering weight loss surgery at the age of 19 (sadly young) At the time bariatric surgery was still very new, and with all of the complications being brought to the surface via media and patients, I eliminated the thought of even attempting. After 8 more years and at least 120 more lbs, I didn't see any other option. After I had seen how far bariatric surgery had come, I began to consider it again, and without a doubt, it was the best decision I ever made in my life.

What was (is) the worst thing about being overweight?

Breaking furniture, not fitting into seats, not fitting into bathroom stalls, not being able to do things people do every day. We take a lot for granted. Well, rather I did. If i went some where new, i was worried about them having seating large enough for me or whether or not I would break the seat. My bed after only a year looked like it was 10 years old (with the dented mattress to prove it). Any type of physical activity was completely exhausting. Basically being overweight affects everything in your life.

If you have had weight loss surgery already, what things do you most enjoy doing now that you weren't able to do before?

I can now exercise to really try to get my asthma control (which obviously losing the weight also helped!). I can now run 2 miles in 18 minutes, that's better than when I was much younger. I can fit into seats, i'm not worried about breaking anyone's furniture, I can ride rollercoasters that I was banned from for the last decade due to my ridiculous weight. I can reach down and unlock the gas cap door while still seated (that's right, I couldn't even do that). I can sit on an airplane without being extremely uncomfortable. The list is ENDLESS. my only regret is not having the surgery and taking control sooner.

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