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  • BMI 23.3

Obesity & Me

Describe your behavioral and emotional battle with weight control before learning about bariatric surgery.

I stopped dieting 30 years ago because they did not work. I was resistent to being told what to eat, and I hated to exercise. It hurt to walk.

What was (is) the worst thing about being overweight?

The worst thing about being overweight was not being able to do things easily, ie walking, playing with grandkids, sitting in a booth, going up and down stairs.

If you have had weight loss surgery already, what things do you most enjoy doing now that you weren't able to do before?

the small things like cross my legs, sit on floor with grand children and get back up with ease. Can get in and out of bathtub without any trouble. wash by butt without twisting. shopping for clothes and have them fit.

How did you first find out about bariatric surgery and what were your initial impressions of it?

My daughter told me about it. My first thought was I don't need to be here I am not as big as some of these people.

Describe your experience with getting insurance approval for surgery. What advice, if any, do you have for other people in this stage?

This procedure was not covered by my insurance. I paid out of pocket. It was the best money I have ever spend.

What was your first visit with your surgeon like? How can people get the most out of this meeting?

My first meeting with my surgeon was positive. He spent time with me, explained the procedure, answered my questions and made me feel like he was interested in my success.

What made you finally decide to have the surgery?

After trying to eat the way the program suggested, and I felt satisfied. I stopped craving sweets, and I felt good.

How did you decide which proceedure to have?

I know I did not want any of my organs redirected. I liked the theroies behind how the band will work. I did not want to deal with vitamen deficiencies. The band sounded like a safer, easier way to lose wieght.

What fears did you have about having complications or even dying from from the surgery, and what would you tell other people having the same fears now?

Death is something I don't have control over. If it is my time, then I can't stop it. If I did not have the surgery I was headed for a life of diabetices, heart trouble, and I already had breathing issues, sleep apena, high cholesterol. These things were going to kill be also. M

How did your family and friends react to your decision? Would you have communicated anything differently if you could now? How supportive were they after your surgery?

My family was very supportive and encouraging. I only told one close friend what I was planning to do. I told others after I had had the procedure completed and was loosing weight.

How did your employer/supervisor react to your decision? What did you tell him/her? How long were you out of work?

My employer was very supportive and I had no trouble taking the week off from work to recuperate.

What was your stay in the hospital like? How long where you there? What things are most important to bring?

My stay was uneventful. I stay a little over 30 hours. I had very little pain, was able to walk the hall 3 hours post op. The nurses were very caring, and helpful. I did not like the green jello. I would have like to have an orange or cherry flavored jello. I did bring my own pillow.

Did you have any complications from the surgery? If so, how did you deal with them?

I had no complications from the surgery. things went smoothly. I did have a small amount of drainage about 10days after my procedure. I had to take more time off work, because work won't let one work with an open wound. I was given an antibiotic. It cleared up within 5 -10 days.

In the weeks after you got your surgery date, how did you feel? How did you cope with any anxiety you might have felt?

I was excitted to have a date. I did fine with the liquids only. by the end on the 5 weeks of just liquids I was ready for something different.

Describe your first few weeks home from the hospital. What should people expect from this period?

I did fine, except for getting my bowels to work normally. the Protein shakes would give me diarrhea. When I changed to food I was constipated. My friend shared with me to use stool softener and sugar free fiber tablets every day, that has helped things to be more normal. Gas is a problem especially when I eat bean. Gas x and beano are a must.

What aftercare support group/program do you have? How helpful/important is this?

I have been attending a support group ran by the memorial health bariatric program in Savannah, Ga. I have become very active in the group. I also have started my own group in Hinesville, Ga. I also look at different on line site ie oh, bariactric,

What is your scar like? Is this what you expected?

my scars are about 3/4 an inch, about 4 of them this size and one scar is about 2inches long. they are soft pink in color.

Please describe any plateau experiences you have had since surgery.

I had a plateau around week 6-8 that lasted a long 6 weeks. I just continued to do what I need ed to do and kepting on walking the treadmill. And then it finally stopped and the weight started coming off.

Do you notice people treating you any differently now?

People compliment me all the time. Some people ask me questions about the procedure. Some people think I am too small. I think am different. I am more outgoing, move with much more ease, I don't have pain in my legs. I am happier,and content.
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