gail W.

Obesity & Me

Describe your behavioral and emotional battle with weight control before learning about bariatric surgery.

i have been overweight from childhood.i yo-yo'd for years.after the birth of my first child, i continued to gain.i hated the way i looked,but felt that i couldn't control it.i had always been a strong person, but i just couldn't lose weight.i felt that i must be weak and had no willpower.this hurt my self esteem terribly.i couldn't do many activities with my children.i felt like they were suffering because i couldn't control myself....not to mention the fact that i didn't want to embarrass them because they had a fat children have always loved me and are proud of me.not once have they acted embarrassed because of me. i was embarrassed enough for both of them. i had a little boy 6 years ago that was born with a heart defect.he had open heart surgery at 1 week of age.he died 2 months later.the pain was undescribable. i used food, as i always have,for 21 year old daughter got married last year and i became afraid that i would not live to see her children.i wanted to see my youngest daughter graduate from high school.i could not walk from my bed to the door without getting short of breath.i did not enjoy anything anymore.i couldn't go shopping or on vacations because i couldn't walk much at all.i had to sit every few minutes and sweated profusely. i didn't feel like i had a life.i started doing research about weight loss surgery and the options available.i checked into surgeons,their reputations,and hospitals.i felt thhat i was very informed.i rresearched for about 4 months and made my decision to have this done. i did not tell anyone what i was thinking of doing until i decided for myself.i then told my husband, daughters,parents and brother.they were all very supportive of me, which helped a lot.

What was (is) the worst thing about being overweight?

i felt very ugly,not only to myself but to everyone else. the other negative factor was my declining health.

If you have had weight loss surgery already, what things do you most enjoy doing now that you weren't able to do before?

EVERYTHING!!!!!!shopping in malls, walking, trying on clothes, going to amusement parks and riding the rides, tie my shoes, see my feet,walk without sweating,fit into a theater seat, cross my legs,buy clothes in a regular store,see my bones, enjoy sex more.....the list is truly endless.what do i enjoy doing now that i wasn't able to do before? living!

How did you first find out about bariatric surgery and what were your initial impressions of it?

i had heard of weight loss surgery in the past,but it was the bypass surgery that was done a long time was my understanding that this had a lot of bad side effects.i heard about the roux-en-y on tv,and became very interested after i heard of carnie wilsons'story.i saw that 6 weeks after her surgery, she had lost 40 pounds.i was astounded.i did even more research and felt that this was my only hope of successful weight loss.i was very happy to find a surgeon that did this laproscopically.that went a long way in making my decision easier. my initial impression was THANK GOD!!!

Describe your experience with getting insurance approval for surgery. What advice, if any, do you have for other people in this stage?

i had my pcp and my cardiologist submit letters of medical necessity along with dr champion's letter.i was approved in about 2 weeks. i called the ins several times after these were submitted, so that they would not forget about me and take a lot of advice would be to make sure you know which surgeons and hospitals are ppo with your insurance and find out how much you will pay.i would not lower my standards for an in- network surgeon if i felt that another is more qualified and experienced.get letters from all of the docors you have seen about any weight related problem.

What was your first visit with your surgeon like? How can people get the most out of this meeting?

i had 2 pages, front and back, of questions that i had thought of for the weeks prior to my first meeting with dr i thought of them, i wrote them down so that i wouldn't forget them.i was quite impressed with dr c, his compassion, his knowledge, and his experience.i felt totally confident that he knew what he was doing and that he would be the one to help me.everyone should ask their questions and voice their concerns so that they are well informed and know what this surgery is all about.the surgery itself as well as the life changes afterwards. i looked for knowledge, honesty,experience and his demeanor as he talked with me. i liked his compassion and the way he looked at me in the eyes as he talked to me.

What made you finally decide to have the surgery?

the research and the results i had heard well as my terrible health.i knew i would die soon if i didn't do something. i decided that the hope of renewed health and quality of life was worth the risk of surgery.

How did you decide which proceedure to have?

by comparing the success rate of the different procedures available.

What fears did you have about having complications or even dying from from the surgery, and what would you tell other people having the same fears now?

i was terrified that i would not wake from anesthesia.i was also afraid of infection, blood clots, and any other complication from surgery. i know there are risks with any surgery, but felt that my weight and declining health magnified them.i would tell anyone that i understand their fears.there are no guarentees, but the odds are in our experienced surgeon makes a big difference. and walk, walk, walk afterwards as soon as you can.

How did your family and friends react to your decision? Would you have communicated anything differently if you could now? How supportive were they after your surgery?

everyone was supportive of me taking control of my life and trying to make it better and mother was the most afraid because she was afraid she would lose me.she was supportive, though.they were there for me always and they are very proud of me now.

How did your employer/supervisor react to your decision? What did you tell him/her? How long were you out of work?

she was somewhat supportive.she knew i needed this done, but was not crazy about me being out of work. i didn't care, though.i took off 3 weeks.not because i needed to, but because i wanted to since it was christmas.

What was your stay in the hospital like? How long where you there? What things are most important to bring?

it was ok.i was glad that my husband could stay with me.the nurses were so busy that he seemed to do most of the work for me.the staff was nice, but i would have liked to have gotten more support from the nurses, such as getting the pain meds the first time i asked....or my insulin.i was in the hospital 2 nights, in a very nice private room.the most important things to bring to me are a robe and slippers to walk in the halls.

Did you have any complications from the surgery? If so, how did you deal with them?

i had no complications

In the weeks after you got your surgery date, how did you feel? How did you cope with any anxiety you might have felt?

i was excited, anxious, eager,scared, tense, happy, name it.i'm sure i experienced most all emoptions.i knew i had made the right decision, but you can't help fearing the unknown.i talked to family about my fears and they listened.there's not a whole lot you can do except pray a lot!

Describe your first few weeks home from the hospital. What should people expect from this period?

i felt great but tired easily.i was relieved the surgery was over and wanted to concentrate on following the doctor's instructions to be successful.i was glad that i didn't feel hungry.that was a new feeling.i also became very cold easily.again....a new sensation.i never wore a jacket and sweated in the winter.

How far did you travel to have your surgery? (If far, how did this affect your aftercare?)

we drove 2 1/2 hours to get there. i was a little apprehensive to be a distance from the doctor in case i had problems. he assured me when i left the hospital that he was a phone call away and not to hesitate to call if i needed him. it was no problem to drive this distance for my posy-op visits

Please describe in detail what things you could and couldn't eat in the weeks and months following surgery. What foods have been off limits? Please explain how your dietary tolerance changed week-by-week, and then month-by-month since surgery.

i followed dr champions instructions to the letter. i introduced foods as he said. the foods that i do not eat are sweets.i don't want to try them, in case i DON'T have dumping and would be tempted to eat them. i can eat anything without problems. i don't eat a lot of bread because it fills me up too fast

What was your actvity level in the days and weeks after surgery?

i was able to walk easily right after surgery.i tried to increase the distance weekly.i rested when i was tired and did not overdo was not long before i could resume all activities.i did not feel limited at all.

What vitamins and/or dietary supplements have you taken since your surgery?

i take a flintstone vitamin and 2 viactiv calcium supplements daily.

What side effects (nausea, vomiting, sleep disturbace, dumping, hair loss etc.) were worse for you? For how long after surgery did they persist? How did you cope with them?

my only side effect was hair started at 4 months out and lasted until about 8 months out.the hair thinned a lot but has grown was a small price to pay.

What was the worst part about the entire bariatric surgery process?


What aftercare support group/program do you have? How helpful/important is this?

i attend a saturday meeting each month with dr champion's patients in atlanta. we also have a group of about 15 in the small town where i live that meets every other tuesday. we have new people coming all the time that wants to meet us and find out about the is very important to have this support by people that know exactly what you have been through and can relate.there is a special bond between us, even if we just meet.

What is your scar like? Is this what you expected?

i have 6 small scars from my lap was exactly what i expected

Please describe any plateau experiences you have had since surgery.

i have had plateaus almost every month since surgery. i was very upset at first and just knew that i must be doing something wrong! doctor c explained that it would happen and not to worry....the weight would come off.i had to not dwell on the scales and concentrate more on the continuous changes in my body and the way my clothes fit.some plateaus lasted a few days, some up to 3 or 4 weeks.the farther post-op i was, the longer the plateaus were.but it was ok, the scales do eventually move

Do you notice people treating you any differently now?

absoloutly!!!!from the waiters, to salepeople, to job interviwers....everyone! and especially the men! i get attention now from men and i can tell has been a long time! and i love it! i know that i am the same person, and i try not to resent the different treatment
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