Joann V.

Obesity & Me

Describe your behavioral and emotional battle with weight control before learning about bariatric surgery.

Hello, My behavioral and emothional battle has made me a nervous wreck. I have always been heavy since I was 13 yrs old, so the weight just kept going up and up. Today I weigh 388. I am so miserable. I cannot hardly walk with out giving out of breath. Luckily with the grace of God I have not had a Heart Attack or Stroke. I can only do my grocery shopping by riding in a motorized cart at Walmart. Sometimes I go alone and I just have to take the things out of my basket and put them in a regular cart and the nice people greeter puts it asside for me and I go about and finish my shopping. I can do my house work . But I have to sit down and rest about 30 minutes to an Hour before I can resume with more cleaning. I do however have a wonderful Husband who is willing to help me at any given time, but I want to try and do things on my own as far as I can. Then I call on him to help me. I am unable to go to a restraunt with out making sure there are chairs rather than booths. This is so embarrasing to me. I cannot do alot of things with my Husband as I cannot stand for a period of time. I cannot get down on the floor with my 4 yr old niece and play dolls with her like she wants me to. She puts them up on a table now so that we can play together. This too makes me feel bad. I cannot go to the mall as they donot have motorized cars there, so I cannot do things with my oldest nieces and nephews and they really want me to. This hurts so much. So you see things are not so good for me right now. This is all I can think of at this moment. JoAnn Vickery

What was (is) the worst thing about being overweight?

The worst thing about being over weight is not able to wipe myself after a bowel movement. This I feel for my hubby who is so willing to help me now.I know this may shock some of you of what I have said but I am being honest. Other worst things for me is not being able to go to a restraunt without knowing if they only have booths as I need a chair to sit in. Cannot go bowling, walking much, or do things that you have to stand and do with my husband. Playing with the children is my worst thing as I cannot go outside and run with them, get on a floor and play dolls etc with them. I donot like to socialize with to many people other than the people in my church as I get so embarrased as people stare at me. This is all I can think of JoAnn Vickery

If you have had weight loss surgery already, what things do you most enjoy doing now that you weren't able to do before?

I am able to do more private bathroom things fpr myself. I can finally sit up in my bed with out to much of a problem. I can sit up in the car much better. 4 months after the sugery. I am able to walk better. I am able to keep up my house work and laundry alot better. I can enjoy taking small walks with my husband. I can fit into newer cloths I could not before. I can shower better and I can fit int my bathtub to soak. I can reach things better. Things justkeep getting better all the time.

How did you first find out about bariatric surgery and what were your initial impressions of it?

Well I first heard of it when my sister in Maryland was having it done. Then I had some DRs tell me they would like me to consider to have it done.But I had an experience that shocked me and hurt me about a loved one who passed away from having a Dr do this on her in 1999 and punch a hole in her bowel.This was done in Baltimore Maryland. So for years I have been stearing away from this surgery. Then this yr my Endocrinoligist mentioned it to me and started telling me things about some Drs that have been doing nothing but these particular surgeries. She gave me new letters that came to her office that talked about these operations. So I told her I would think and study and pray about this. She said that will be okay with me. Well, I did just what I said I would do. Then one day my husband ordered a pizza from Dominoes. Well the young man who delivered it was a person I had none over several yrs ago when I use to get prescriptions from a Drug store Gray Drugs. Anyway, he looked really great and when he saw me he could not hold back and tell me about his weight loss Dr that did his surgery DR. Rosenthal. That he was doing good and that he has lost 149 pounds in 6 months. He didnot mention to me how much he weighed in the beginning, but he was heavy. Well, when I saw him that made me start to think even more and I started going to the internet to search out DR Rosenthal and to see if there were patients who wrote about him before the operation and after. I was so surprised to find a lot of people. I told my Mother and good friend about this and they started doing like me. They found out that DR Rosenthal has done over 900 of these operations and things seem to go alright with his patients. So my Mom decided she was going to have this operation as well as my good friend.My mom started to ask me if I decided if I was going to have this done. I said I am not sure yet. I have to really think and pray. Well, I got online and did a profile and started getting letters from a lot of people like me. SO I decided that I was going to call the DR office, So I dialed it and I now have a DR appt with DR Rosenthal on Sept. 23,2003 at 8 A.M. This is how I found out about Bariatric surgery. Well, it is now December 15th,2003 and I have done all that I needed done to be able to have the surgery. Dr. Rosenthal nurses are checking out my chart to make sure all the paper work is in order. If it is then Anita will call the insurance company to get the okay for the surgery.So I am waiting for the DR. office to call me. I was told in the nutrition class that Dr. Rosenthal is booking for the surgeries now in Feb. But that doesn't mean that I could be called to have the surgery sooner. As there are some that drop out and they donot want the surgery and then there are ones who are fighting with their insurance companies so they move others up till thy can get the insurance taken care of. When I hear from the DR. I will write again to update my file and tell of my surgery date. JoAnn Vickery

Describe your experience with getting insurance approval for surgery. What advice, if any, do you have for other people in this stage?

I had no problem whatsoever to get approved for my surgery. I have medicare and medicaid.

What was your first visit with your surgeon like? How can people get the most out of this meeting?

My first visit with DR. Rosenthal went well. He introduced himself and made you feel comfortable thaen he explained what surgery he would do on me and the risks etc.I was wel informed.

What made you finally decide to have the surgery?

After searching out DR. Rosenthal and hearing really great reports of all the surgeries he has done and no fatalities. That made me make my mind up.

How did you decide which proceedure to have?

DR. Rosentahl andI agreed that I would have the lapiscoptic done bi=ut if he had any problems he would have to cut me open.

What fears did you have about having complications or even dying from from the surgery, and what would you tell other people having the same fears now?

I ent thru alot of stress beforehaving this surgery. You see i ahd a itr wo had the surgery done and mad it thru it, but had complications after it and her Dr in Maryland said he needed to go back nto her same inscion to check nd see if he pouch came loose. But while he was in there he punced a hole in her bowel which my sister eventually died several months later form the ceptis etc. So I wa scared about having this done. Although I knew that I needed thi surgey as I was looking to going into a wheelchair and have alotmore medical problems. So I took all this ino consideration ad I deceided to pray and search out DR. Rosenathal. When I did this I felt goo, but I wen to the Lord in prayer and said to him that I made my mind up to hve this surgery and that if this was the surgery he wanted me to have that everything I had to do to get this surgery would go forward. Well, everything went according to plan. I would ask you to realy search out your DR before you have hm do your surgery and makesure he h great credintials etc. Then go forward with what youfeel is riht for you. I would also ask you to pray about it and see if you get the feelings that you are to go forward with the surgery. As this is what I did.

How did your family and friends react to your decision? Would you have communicated anything differently if you could now? How supportive were they after your surgery?

My Mother was all for me having the surgery as she also searched out DR. Rosenthal as I was. She felt really good about him and she also prayed about me and felt the ame as I did. My brother and sister in law was against me havinghis surgery. i think it was because of our sister. But in the end before my surgery they came around and saifd tht ifthis was what I wanted to do that they would support andlove me thru this surgery.I would not have communicated anything different to my family.My friends were really supportive an loved me thru this.After the surgery everyone was real supportive o me and said way to go JoAnn. Keep up the good work. We love you. I had friends amd my mother making me homemade soup broths in the begining as I wasn't able to eat anyhing for a month after the surgery. This was really helpful to me and I appreciated all they did for me.

How did your employer/supervisor react to your decision? What did you tell him/her? How long were you out of work?

I was diabled before I had the surgey. So I had no employer ad no loss of work.

What was your stay in the hospital like? How long where you there? What things are most important to bring?

I went into the hospital the morning of my surgery January 19, 2004 My stay at the hospital was normal as can be expected. I was there 5 days. Basically they furnish you with things. But if you choose you could bring your own nightgown if you would like and some slippers.

Did you have any complications from the surgery? If so, how did you deal with them?

I had no complications

In the weeks after you got your surgery date, how did you feel? How did you cope with any anxiety you might have felt?

The weeks after my surgery date was that I was really weak and had moments where I would be shaking inside when I would try to get me something to eat etc. But as time goes on I am getting a little stronger and able to do small things. I have a recovery date of 6 to 8 weeks.I have been a little depressed but that is because of my life at the time as well as the surgery and i give everything to the Lord. We work things out together.Since this update things are looking better for me in my life. My husband and I are back together. I hav been put on Celexa liquid medicine and this is used for depression.

Describe your first few weeks home from the hospital. What should people expect from this period?

my first few weeks home was sort o stressful. ot only was I having to dea with having the surgey, my usband left me at this time. I was weak and wasn't able to keep food down when I was able to at. this was so nerve racking. I contacted my nutritionst and she said that this wa all normal and it would get better in time. I thought I would never stop throwing up. Then I had to start taking my vimains. It was all so new to me and having to take childrens chewable multi vitamins with iron was yucky.Then there, was the calcium, B- Complex,B-12 shots. After awhile I was told that i coul now swallow pills. So i bought my multiviamins, calcium pills that I could swallow. MyB- Complex is sublingual berry flavored that goes under my tongue for 30 seconds. This is not bad at all. Igive my self a once a month B-12 shot. I would tell you that whatever you may be experincing at this time,that it will get btter as time goes on. Hang in there.

How far did you travel to have your surgery? (If far, how did this affect your aftercare?)

My sugery was done at the Cleaveland Hospital in Weston Florida. The trip to Weston is about 120 Miles. Ittakes aprx. 2 to 2 1/2 hours to get there. My aftercare was to bad. Two weeks after my surgery I had to go back to see the DR and he took my draining tube an staples out. After that I was not to come back to see him until 3 months. I was cared for by myself and my mother.

Please describe in detail what things you could and couldn't eat in the weeks and months following surgery. What foods have been off limits? Please explain how your dietary tolerance changed week-by-week, and then month-by-month since surgery.

Okay here is a list of some of the things I could not eat cottage cheese, bacon, eggs, peanut butter, chicken, pork.I cold tolerate liquids and broths. Solid foods was not agreeing with me.It was not until I reached aprox 3 1/2 months before my syatem would allow me to eat chicken, ground beef, pork, seafood I am able now to digest these foods. I can also tolerate cottage cheese, eggs. Most fppds now I try and see if my system will tolerate them. if not I wait awhile and I will try again later.

What was your actvity level in the days and weeks after surgery?

My first few weeks home was where I was weak and had no strength to do things. I also was shaky. I just kept trying to move and walk a few times a day.

What vitamins and/or dietary supplements have you taken since your surgery?

I take the following: Multivitamin with iron Calcium Citrate 2 tablets which is 1500 MG B- Complex Subligual Berry flavored under the tonge for 30 seconds once a week. B-12 shot 100- Mg 1 CC I give myself onc a month. I also take 1000 MG of vitamin C

What side effects (nausea, vomiting, sleep disturbace, dumping, hair loss etc.) were worse for you? For how long after surgery did they persist? How did you cope with them?

My fcouplemonths I was always throwing up. This bothered me. But I kept trying. I had trouble sleeping after 2 months. No hair loss asof yet.

What was the worst part about the entire bariatric surgery process?

The worst part was trying to heal and not throw up so much. And the chewab;e vitamins etc washard for me to take.Learning to know the fullness signs and not to put another bite in your mouth or you would throw up. Also tying to walk and get some exercise as I was so heavy.

What aftercare support group/program do you have? How helpful/important is this? My Church.

What is your scar like? Is this what you expected?

I have 6 areas wher I had the staples. I really didn't know what to expect at the time. But all is okay.

Please describe any plateau experiences you have had since surgery.

I started seeing DR. Rosenthal in December 2003. I weighed 419. On January 9th I weighed 370. As of now I weigh 351. That is a total of 40 1/2 pounds I have lost so far. It is now 4 months since my surgery. I ahve now lost 83 pounds. I weigh 307. I am on my way. I have never been down o theast weight in years. It is exciting to know that I willsoon be in the 200's area soon.

Do you notice people treating you any differently now?

The people I know at church are so excited for me and they are cheering me on. The people I know not well treat me okay and they are happy fpr me, but I think they are wating to see what is really goijng to happen to me. Now 4 months after my surgery I am getting alot of compliments, Iam told that i look real good and walk better. That my skin glows now. I am called the incredibile shrinking woman. People ae so nice to me that is the ones that know had the surgery. When i meet new people I let them know that i have had the surgery and where I started and where I am now.
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