
  • BMI 23.4

Obesity & Me

Describe your behavioral and emotional battle with weight control before learning about bariatric surgery.

i was depressed and i felt like everything that went wrong was due to my weight i tried dieting but i am an emotional eater so i ate and ate everytime i got upset or depressed

What was (is) the worst thing about being overweight?

being lonely and hard on myself

If you have had weight loss surgery already, what things do you most enjoy doing now that you weren't able to do before?

i have more self confidience

How did you first find out about bariatric surgery and what were your initial impressions of it?

i was hoping for a miracle

Describe your experience with getting insurance approval for surgery. What advice, if any, do you have for other people in this stage?

mine was easy i had some medical problems diabeties and sleep apnea

What made you finally decide to have the surgery?

i didn't like myself very much and i felt i needed to do this for myself

How did you decide which proceedure to have?

the doctor only offered the gastric not lapband

What fears did you have about having complications or even dying from from the surgery, and what would you tell other people having the same fears now?

i was terrified but i had a great doctor who did everything possible to make sure there were no complications

What was your stay in the hospital like? How long where you there? What things are most important to bring?

i stayed in the hospital five days and the staff was great

Did you have any complications from the surgery? If so, how did you deal with them?

i didn't have any except i ate chicken when i could first start eating meats and it made me sick, apparently chicken slumps in your stomach and is hard to digest

What aftercare support group/program do you have? How helpful/important is this?

none i am looking for someone to talk to now about it

What is your scar like? Is this what you expected?

i can hardly tell i have any scars

Please describe any plateau experiences you have had since surgery.

well i am now at a point were i am scared of gaining the weight back, because now i can eat more

Do you notice people treating you any differently now?

yeah people say now how good i look were before they didn't pay me any mind
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