
Obesity & Me

Describe your behavioral and emotional battle with weight control before learning about bariatric surgery.

I started becoming overweight in the 7th grade. It progressively got worse. I always was big boned, but I was getting bigger. I became pregnant @ age 15, had my son @ age 16. I weighed 250 @ beginning, and 295 after birth. I never lost a LB after I had my son. Throughout this, my self esteem was low. I was the same "me", but more hurt inside, from being the FAT friend.

What was (is) the worst thing about being overweight?

The actual appearance. Most of my friends were average/thin, and men looked at them differently. They took them more serious, and I was just after hrs.

If you have had weight loss surgery already, what things do you most enjoy doing now that you weren't able to do before?

Going places. Doing mobile activities....Certain everyday activties...

How did you first find out about bariatric surgery and what were your initial impressions of it?

My mother had the surgery in 2001. Her's was extremely succsessful, as far as weight loss, and no major complications. I was happy for her, yet I wanted it for myself as well.

Describe your experience with getting insurance approval for surgery. What advice, if any, do you have for other people in this stage?

I didn't have a problem. I worked for my insurance company. I met all the mandatory programs and requirements.

What was your first visit with your surgeon like? How can people get the most out of this meeting?

I had an excellent meeting with my surgeon. He did my mother's surgery, so she came with me. He was a fan of my mother's, so we hit it off. My mom was one of his first pt's that underwent the bariatric program that was implimented at kaiser at that time.

What made you finally decide to have the surgery?

It was never a question...I wanted it from the start of hearing about it.

How did you decide which proceedure to have?

It wasn't a question, this was the surgery that my surgeon and hospital program did.

What fears did you have about having complications or even dying from from the surgery, and what would you tell other people having the same fears now?

I wasn't scared at all...I was so ready. Even the day of. The only thing I was concerned with was getting an IV started. My veins were horrible, very thin, deep, and they are criss crossed. This was a valid concern, as it took 9-10 attempts to start an IV. Right before the last attempt, the nurse told me that the Doctor was going to have to start an IV, conciously, in my artery in my neck. They succeeded on that last attempt. THANK GOD!!!!! (since they couldn't get the main artery started for over an hr, with two doctor's help, just right before they started operating)

How did your family and friends react to your decision? Would you have communicated anything differently if you could now? How supportive were they after your surgery?

There was nothing except positive feedback from family and friends. My one close friend was overweight too. I was so pleasently surprised that she wasn't negatively jealous after my weight loss began to happen. She was very supportive, even though she was awaiting approval. She is post-op now, she has the same surgery approx 2 yrs ago.

How did your employer/supervisor react to your decision? What did you tell him/her? How long were you out of work?

I was supposed to be off work for 6wks. I was ready to go back in 2wks, but waited until 4 wks. I was bored, my but hurt from sitting on the couch, etc....

What was your stay in the hospital like? How long where you there? What things are most important to bring?

My stay was horrible...I must admit. I would do it all over again, BUT a little differently. First of all, this was my first surgery. I had only ever given vaginal (unsedated) childbirth. they had me on morphine after the surgery, a patch that went directly to the excision site, and one that I controlled (every 10 mins). I didn't realize at the time, and no one told me either, that I had a bad reaction to the drug. I was lethargic. It was like the light was out of my eyes. I felt most of the pain and everytime I pressed for more morphine, it would make me dead on my feet, but I couldn't sleep. I would fall asleep, and hope I had slept hrs, only to wake up and it be 20 mins later. The nurses were not happy with me. they wanted me up and at em straight off. It was so painful to try and get out of bed. I had gained 30lbs of water weight and it was hard on me. They tried to call reinforcements to get me to comply, or rather exceed, their demands. My surgeon took one look at me and said take her off the morphine. He gave me oxycodone, which had the same affect on me. I just grit my teeth and dealt with it, not knowing that this wasn't your normal reaction after surgery. I couldn't sleep, and couldn't lie in bed, so I sat on the chair all the time. I would get restless, and get up and take walks all the time. You were supposed to call the nurses to help, but after hrs they weren't much help (understaffed). I tell you, I couldn't wait to be home....I stayed a day and a half, I think...

Did you have any complications from the surgery? If so, how did you deal with them?

No..I did have thrush, which was worse than surgery almost. ...I was drinking these chalky protein drinks and they coated your tongue. Along with the thrush, it made it inpossible to drink the stuff and not gag...

In the weeks after you got your surgery date, how did you feel? How did you cope with any anxiety you might have felt?

I felt great. I was losing like crazy. I didn't have any anxiety at all...

Describe your first few weeks home from the hospital. What should people expect from this period?

Everyday was better and better...seriously...I didn't sleep much at all for 2-3wks. I couldn't sleep in the bed. The pain meds didn't help the pain, just made me drowsy, yet not sleepy. I couldn't handle the pain of rolling involved with getting in the bed, so I cat napped for 2 wks in a recliner...

How far did you travel to have your surgery? (If far, how did this affect your aftercare?)

8 miles...

Please describe in detail what things you could and couldn't eat in the weeks and months following surgery. What foods have been off limits? Please explain how your dietary tolerance changed week-by-week, and then month-by-month since surgery.

I couldn't eat much meats after surgery for awhile. I then was able to do many different types of foods, just not pork. In the last few months I have been having alot of problems with diarrhea and nausea after most of the foods I eat. Things I was able to eat are just too difficult now.

What was your actvity level in the days and weeks after surgery?

good...I was tired, but ok with energy..

What vitamins and/or dietary supplements have you taken since your surgery?

B-12 injections, multi vit, oral iron, vit C, and calcium w-vit D.

What side effects (nausea, vomiting, sleep disturbace, dumping, hair loss etc.) were worse for you? For how long after surgery did they persist? How did you cope with them?

My side effects are more pronounced now, three yrs post-op. I have a big problem with IBS and nausea.

What was the worst part about the entire bariatric surgery process?

My lack of adequate pain meds and the thrush afterwards.

What aftercare support group/program do you have? How helpful/important is this?


What is your scar like? Is this what you expected?

10-12 inches, normal. It is pretty light in colour.

Please describe any plateau experiences you have had since surgery.

I had a few back after 6 months, I think. I have been stable at 230 for approx 1-2 yrs...

Do you notice people treating you any differently now?

OOh yes. Men look at you differently. That is all I have noticed personally....
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