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Obesity & Me

Describe your behavioral and emotional battle with weight control before learning about bariatric surgery.

I would just eat whenever I was sad, happy or didn't had anything to do.

What was (is) the worst thing about being overweight?

Everything. Not been able to be active with my 6 yr old daughter, hating myself.

If you have had weight loss surgery already, what things do you most enjoy doing now that you weren't able to do before?

walking!!! sex!!!! been able to move around.

How did you first find out about bariatric surgery and what were your initial impressions of it?

A coworker, and I was very excited to find out that I could finally be healthy,

What was your stay in the hospital like? How long where you there? What things are most important to bring?

I had a good stay in the hospital. I was there for 2 days and the staff was real nice and helpful. The most important thing to bring was my chap stick.

Did you have any complications from the surgery? If so, how did you deal with them?

Luckly I didn't. I was very happy of that.

In the weeks after you got your surgery date, how did you feel? How did you cope with any anxiety you might have felt?

I felt real good, specially when I started to see the weight loss. One thing that gave me anxiety at first when I was on the liquid diet was not having anything to chew.

What aftercare support group/program do you have? How helpful/important is this?

I attended the cedar sinai support group. It help me understand that what am going thru is normal.

What is your scar like? Is this what you expected?

I love my scars it's a reminder that would be there forever so I never go back to my old habits.

Please describe any plateau experiences you have had since surgery.

None yet.

Do you notice people treating you any differently now?

YES!!! they look at you different like you are a normal person and not a fat lazy thing.
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