Chris K.

  • BMI 22.7

Obesity & Me

Describe your behavioral and emotional battle with weight control before learning about bariatric surgery.

I was a yo-yo dieter and my yo-yo ran out. I found that I could not any longer get the weight off and then my emotional battle hit bottom, I would find times that when I did get out of the house and I saw my reflection in the store windows I would turn around and go home. I heated what I saw...

What was (is) the worst thing about being overweight?

I could not do things with my two young boy's. I could not breath well enough to even walk up four steps, with out being out of breath. asthma meds became my life.

If you have had weight loss surgery already, what things do you most enjoy doing now that you weren't able to do before?

Having fun with my family, being able to go places with them tubing,camping Six Flags, movies,dinner, school plays,shoping, ridding bikes... Holding hands with my husband when we walk, now that i can keep up Breathing all the air that god can give me... Smiling at my self when I see my reflection in a window, Putting on a size 4 Having the confidence to start my owne bussiness and loving it every day.

How did you first find out about bariatric surgery and what were your initial impressions of it?

I had read about bariatric surgery before I was big enough to be able to have the surgery, and thought what a wonderful tool for those that could have the surgery. I then met Dr. Gluck and at a gallbladder surgery that he did for me I said I wish you could do the bariatric surgery for me and he said he was looking into it and I said I wanted to be his first.

Describe your experience with getting insurance approval for surgery. What advice, if any, do you have for other people in this stage?

My experience with getting insurance approval, was great ,all my info was sent in and a was approved in a matter of just a few weeeks, I had several comobilitys. I can say that from hearing and seeing other people that had a tuff time hange in there and keep trying let the insurance know that this is your only chance to some quality of life.

What was your first visit with your surgeon like? How can people get the most out of this meeting?

Info... Info... Dr. Gluck will not leave anythig out he will ansewer questions that you would not even think of. Between him and the team, you will know everything that needs to be known and then some and before your surgery not only Dr. Gluck but others in the team will see that you heard it again. Dr. Glucks seminars are GREAT!!! and a MUST GO FOR ALL...

What made you finally decide to have the surgery?

I knew that my quality of life was slim and had no where to go but down to nothing. If I did not get the weight off.

What fears did you have about having complications or even dying from from the surgery, and what would you tell other people having the same fears now?

I knew that my life would not be long if I did not have the surgery. Yes I did have fears of having the surgery the same that any surgery would give me. You have to want this surgery and you have to be willing to work with this surgery for it to work the best for you. and that is a life commitment.

How did your family and friends react to your decision? Would you have communicated anything differently if you could now? How supportive were they after your surgery?

I chose only to tell those close to me, Parents, husband, I knew that this was going to take all that I had to do the best I could do and I knew that this was my only chance and my last, So I chose to only envolve people that I knew that would stand by me with only good feed back. I would do it the same again, Good supportive people are a must.

What was your stay in the hospital like? How long where you there? What things are most important to bring?

I personaly think any stay in the hospital is to long. I was there 6 days I had gotten Dlb. phoniona after surgery, which I was told could happen and I was known for it any way so it realy was not a surprize. Every one of the hospital staff were great and informed my Dr. well.

Did you have any complications from the surgery? If so, how did you deal with them?

I did have a staff infection in my incision, after i went home that I could have done with out. I had to pack it each day and after 7 weeks i found my self becoming very dipressed with having to do this. Please know that if this happens which it could, you do not have to do this all by your self, a nurse can come to your home you can go into the Dr. to have it packed, many people can not do this and this is ok, I just thought I needed to be tuff, but I'm not...

In the weeks after you got your surgery date, how did you feel? How did you cope with any anxiety you might have felt?

The weight seemed to come off very fast and at times I wondered if it would stop, which it dose.I found that each week I felt better and better, before I knew it my energy was tripled, it was great, I wanted to start getting out and going places and doing things that I had never done. Like ride on a roller coaster.

Describe your first few weeks home from the hospital. What should people expect from this period?

I was tired,yet I felt good. That even though you feel better and better each day you can not eat things that you should not and you can not eat but just very small amounts, Your brain still looks at food the old way but your stomach dose not. You have to listen to your stomach from now on...

How far did you travel to have your surgery? (If far, how did this affect your aftercare?)

I live in Muskegon so 10 min. from my house to the Dr. and 15 min. to the hospital.

Please describe in detail what things you could and couldn't eat in the weeks and months following surgery. What foods have been off limits? Please explain how your dietary tolerance changed week-by-week, and then month-by-month since surgery.

I was one of the lucky I could eat every thing that was on my list each weeek, I could even eat salsa on my eggs when that was allowed, I needed things not to be dry at all, so salsa helped me out alot. I stayed on my list at all times, which I beleave is why I have lost 90% of my weight... I'm 15 months out now and still drink my protien drink each morning like it or not... I do have a hard time with any beef and pork, I do eat alot of venison and chicken the key is small bites and chew chew chew... Today I can eat just about anything I just still listen to my stomach and I stop as soon as it says no more, which is still sooner than my brain sometimes thinks so... I still pray to god that my stomach will always beat my brain out of who will say when it is full.

What was your actvity level in the days and weeks after surgery?

Walking is so important from day one, walk, walk, walk, but rest when you need it too.

What vitamins and/or dietary supplements have you taken since your surgery?

multi vitamins morning and night B12 shot every 3 months. I have found that I get a yeast infec. if I take the vitamins every day so I make sure that I eat things that are high in the vitamins needed.

What side effects (nausea, vomiting, sleep disturbace, dumping, hair loss etc.) were worse for you? For how long after surgery did they persist? How did you cope with them?

I had no nausia, no vomiting unless i did not chew lettus well enough and I only had the dumping once realy bad after taking cough meds and that I will remember for ever I felt like my chest was in a vise and breathing was very difacult off and on for about 1 hour. I did have more hair loss than anything but it came and went. I would up my protein to 70 grams each day and it would get better.

What was the worst part about the entire bariatric surgery process?

the staff infection and the packing of it,

What aftercare support group/program do you have? How helpful/important is this?

Dr. Glucks team has a great support group in any area you need, diet exercise, and group help, which i feel every one needs before and after, you need to hear the people before you have the surgery so you know that you are not the only one, and you do need to know that the hard times do get better, and the surgery did not fix the brain you still may feel hungry at times and you will and can have other feelings, ( they all do get better )

What is your scar like? Is this what you expected?

My scar is large, I was half open half scope, then I had a large hernea repair, Nothing can take away how I feel now with the weight off.

Please describe any plateau experiences you have had since surgery.

I did have a short time of no weight loss I would say 3 weeks I even gained a couple pounds once. and then it started coming off again. I have been the same weight for about 6 months now, I will gain 2 to 4 pounds and then one day it will be gone.

Do you notice people treating you any differently now?

Yes all the time. Friends always tell you that they are jelouse, Men stop and open doors and speak when before they would let the door hit you. Some friends don't call any more. Some men that know that your married say and do things that make you uneasy and you can not wait for them to move on. People are more willing to help you in stores. Just be confident in who you are and where you are going in life and do not forget to give back alittle in life to those that have not gotten what you now have.
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