Patt C.

Obesity & Me

Describe your behavioral and emotional battle with weight control before learning about bariatric surgery.

I have struggled with weight gain all my life. I have become a prisioner in my own home now that I have reached a weight that has immobilized me. I have no self esteem left, I am embrassed for my son's, but most of all my husband has pretty much forgotten that I exist. He ignores me or goes out and then I eat eat and eat because I am so sad that he doesn't love me anymore..He is very judgemental of me because of my weight and has said some horable things to me about my weight.. I have become pretty much a recluse over the last 9 yrs. Now that I have decided to have the surgery I have some self worth left and I am looking forward to my second chance at life.

What was (is) the worst thing about being overweight?

I think the worse thing is not being able to participate in things with my son's..Disneyland, Magic Mountian, riding bikes, walking, going to their sports events, going to a resturant and having to have one of the boys go in and see if they have tables and chairs so that I can sit and eat with them. Not being able to go into an office and sit in the lobby in one of their chairs. People allowing their children to make fun of me in front of my sons or just me..and ridicule just from the general public.

If you have had weight loss surgery already, what things do you most enjoy doing now that you weren't able to do before? my dishes, cook general house cleaning, driving, walking to the baseball feild to watch my son play, get up out of a chair on the first attempt, touch my toes, wash my body and my feet and legs, stay in the shower for more than 15 mins, look in the mirror at myself without crying, looking in the mirror at myself naked and going Oh My God I have lost alot of my big butt, looking in the mirror at myself with one of my big dresses on and pulling it around to the other side of myself...It is such a wonderful feeling as I am typing this I have tears and a smile on my face...My heart is lighter and more joyful...I am not so angry anymore or as negative...Life will be better someday...I will have a new me and my new birthday is 7th Mar...

How did you first find out about bariatric surgery and what were your initial impressions of it?

I dont remember but it was many years ago. I thought it would be great for me, but then I heard a ton of horror stories and changed my mind. And also at that time my insurance wouldn't cover it so it was out of the questions. Once I started researching it in Nov 1999 via the internet, I decided I had nothing to loose now, so I went to my doctor and told her I wanted this. Since requesting it and getting approved within 6 weeks, I have done alot of research via the internet and now I have my mind made up to go through with it. With NO second thoughts...Worries yes

Describe your experience with getting insurance approval for surgery. What advice, if any, do you have for other people in this stage?

It seemed pretty easy for me to get approval from Kaiser Permanente. I just went to my doctor and told her I wanted to do this and was tired of being fat and trying all the fads and she sent off the paper work and with in 6 weeks i was approved..Thank you Kaiser and Lisa Noyes PA

What was your first visit with your surgeon like? How can people get the most out of this meeting?

well my first meeting with Dr. Tanaka was pretty much routine. At least to him...I am not sure of his bedside manner as of yet. He explained everything and the risk I am taking but didn't seem to be to personalable. I think if I could see him again I would ask more questions and try and see how he feels about performing the surgery on me...

What made you finally decide to have the surgery?

The final straw for me was when one day I couldn't wipe my bottom good and then I had to take a shower only to find out that even that was a problem that day too...My knees were killing me and my back and hips...When personal hygene came into play for me I knew that I had to do something...Then when my doctor told me I had type 2 diaeties, high blood pressure, sleep apnea, and poor liver functions.

How did you decide which proceedure to have?

I was refered by my HMO to Pacific Bariactric so I went with what they have to offer...After approval from my insurance company I did research on the other types of surgery and research on Pacific Bariactric and Dr. Tanaka...

What fears did you have about having complications or even dying from from the surgery, and what would you tell other people having the same fears now?

Fears, oh yes I have lots of fears...But if I don't do this, then I will surely die. I have told my mom and sons that if I die on the table be at piece because I died knowing that someday I would have been skinny. Everyday it goes through my head about dieing while having this surgery, but I cant let it bother me. I want to see my sons grow up and I want to have grand children too. The only complication I fear for myself is blood clots. I have had thrombophilbitis in 85/86 so that fear is there. As for what would I tell others thinking of having this surgery..Well if you don't you will surely die anyways and the only good that can come from this surgery is the greatest gift of all...LIFE....Do it for yourself worth and the love of yourself and family.

How did your family and friends react to your decision? Would you have communicated anything differently if you could now? How supportive were they after your surgery?

My mom is very uneasy with the surgery but she will support me in my discission to have the surgery because she knows that I have done everything I can to loose weight. My son's are not to sure because they are young. But my oldest is all for it...As for my husband I am not sure...I think he isn't for it because he knows that I will change by having more self esteem and he may loose me, because of the way he has treated me since my weight gain. so I don't think he will be real supportive of me through this...But I have my 3 sons and mom and this is good. Aug 7, 2000...My family has been totally amazed at my weight loss in just 5 months...125 lbs...WooHoo...My husband doesnt say anything but that is him...Life has changed for me already at 339 lbs...I actually had a man talk to me and flirt with me at the market today...Made my self esteem go through the ceiling...This is the best thing I have done for myself in 48 yrs...Every chance I get now to talk to someone, stranger or not, I tell them what a wonderful thing this surgery has been for me...And I tell them everything or anything they want to know...

How did your employer/supervisor react to your decision? What did you tell him/her? How long were you out of work?


What was your stay in the hospital like? How long where you there? What things are most important to bring?

My stay was at Scripps-Mercy Hospital in San Diego...It was wonderful...I had the best care and the nurses were understanding and compassionate...It was a clean hospital and they made sure that you were comfortable at all times...I was there for 4 days...What to bring...LOL...Not much of nothing...You don't need a night gown...They have fat people night gowns...LOL..They actual cover your behind...Your don't need your walker/cane...They have them there for you to use...Just bring your heart and mind in the right place and remember your doing this for YOURSELF....Oh do bring a toothbrush and hair brush and deorderant and sleepers...Thats all you need...

Did you have any complications from the surgery? If so, how did you deal with them?

Yes...I guess I decide to quit breathing on the table, but Dr. Tanaka took good care of me and kept me around...I would have ruined his reputation if I would have died...LOL...I did develope bed sores from the binder that I wore for 2 days...To this date 7 Aug 00, I am still fighting them to heal...But I am winning the war...

In the weeks after you got your surgery date, how did you feel? How did you cope with any anxiety you might have felt?

I was so excited when I finally got my surgery date, that I went on an eating binge...I wanted to make sure I had all my favorite things that I thought I would just die for once I had the surgery...Only to find out that after the surgery and 2 months had pasted I didn't even crave any of the stuff I thought I would...Go figure...Anxiety was a problem...It seemed the closer I got to the date the slower the days went by and less sleep I got just thinking about the surgery and the new me that I had to look forward too...

Describe your first few weeks home from the hospital. What should people expect from this period?

Oh my God...I slept most of the time for the first 4 weeks...The 2nd week after surgery I hated everyone including myself...I was mad at my family and the world...How dare them eat in front of me...And then to have to cook for them further down the road...The first 2 months is really hard...The depression, the adjustment and the not knowing what is going to happen to you...How your body is going to react to the surgery...How your new pouch is going to like new foods,(sugar free, fat free and that god awful Protien Drink)....Expect the worse and when you have a good day you are delighted...

How far did you travel to have your surgery? (If far, how did this affect your aftercare?)

I live 1 hour...You know us Califorians only travel by time and not mileage...It has been fine as for the aftercare...The trip home after release from the hospital was a little rough but I made it...

Please describe in detail what things you could and couldn't eat in the weeks and months following surgery. What foods have been off limits? Please explain how your dietary tolerance changed week-by-week, and then month-by-month since surgery.

For the first 2 weeks after surgery...It was sugar free jello, lots of water, half gatoraide and half water, sugar free diet snapple strawberry/kiwi and water, lots of sugar free popcicles and thats about it...3 week I got to add a piece of fish the size of a quarter to my diet of liquid oh yeah and the Pro Complex Protien Drink...Yuck...I was advised to eat high protein foods first, cheese, cottage cheese oh did these taste good...ummmmm....I was only allowed to add one new food every 2 weeks...I don't eat anything with sugar in it...sugar has to be at least the fifth or sixth ingrediant before I will try it...No red meat or portk for 6 to 8 months and this has been fine with me...I don't mind...But every now and then I might sneak a bite and chew it and spit it out lol...I don't fry any food for myself or my family anymore...I pretty much watch what I eat 100%..Now that I am 5 months post op, I still cant tolerate alot of stuff...Sometimes I may eat something once then the next time I eat it, I become very ill and the toilet and I are best buddies...I do believe the new pouch has a mind of its own...But I love my new pouch and wouldn't change it for my old stomach ever...There are somedays that I don't even want to eat and have to force myself to eat something...

What was your actvity level in the days and weeks after surgery?

As I have stated before, the first 4 weeks I slept a ton...It was like I had been on a marathon...My body was really tired...As the weeks have gone by now I find myself doing more and having tons more energy...Every so often though I still need to sleep a little extra...After loosing 125 lbs in 5 months I guess my body is working hard...Last nite I actually walked from a parking lot to my sons baseball game...I use to use my electric scooter to get to and from his games...He was so happy that I walked with the aid of my cane last nite...My heart was so happy that I cried from being proud of myself...

What vitamins and/or dietary supplements have you taken since your surgery?

Well I take Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc, B12 and PreNatal Vit...

What side effects (nausea, vomiting, sleep disturbace, dumping, hair loss etc.) were worse for you? For how long after surgery did they persist? How did you cope with them?

Right after the surgery the nausia was pretty bad, but thanks to medication that was at a min...Vomiting has happened more often than I would like, but usually it is my fault...And for sleep I sleep great I don't snore anymore...Well dumping is your own fault...It is very hard to learn to chew your food well and to stop eating but it is comeing with time...It is a learned behavior believe me...Oh my hair loss...Let me tell you a story...It started out not to bad but now it is awful...Everyday I was taking fur balls out of my hair brush...At least that is what I call them...I brush my hair twice aday and it was getting worse each day...Well about 3 weeks ago, I was having a bad day feeling bad a little depressed about all of this and who knows what else...I took my shower like I normally do at nite before bed and was sitting on the edge of the bed brushing my clean long thin hair...I decided to ask my family if any of them would mind trimming my hair in back to even it out since it was coming out so bad and I had bald spots showing...Well like most men they all said no that it looked fine...That was not the answer I wanted so I pulled it back into a pony tail and took the sciorrs and cut it off at the nap of my neck...Boy do I look like a dork now instead of fur balls in my brush it looks like i am just hair is very thin so I wear a Microsoft ball cap when I have to go out in public...My oldest son works for Microsoft and he bought it at the Company store for me...So it serves me for 2 purposes...To cover my bald spots and to say how proud of my son I am...He is my biggest support of this surgery and weight loss...I love you Jeff if you ever read this...

What was the worst part about the entire bariatric surgery process?

My bed sores on my back from that darn binder...And my hair loss...I have adjusted to no one noticing that I have lost weight...But I still wear my big ole cloths so alot of people don't notice...Oh but someday when I put on that hot pink thong...They will be in shock...LOL

What aftercare support group/program do you have? How helpful/important is this?

Well I have to travel all the way to San Diego for a support group...It is to far so I don't go...But I am involved in getting a support group started closer to my home...I think they are very helpful...Because there are days that I feel down and having someone to talk to that has been there already is a great feeling...I have a wonderful new friend named Barbara who has taught me alot...I feel you need this kind of group...

What is your scar like? Is this what you expected?

LOL...My sons say it looks like a giant worm...So I tell them well it is a reminder to me not to go back to where I have come from...It is still red and sore in some places...But I had 3 c-sections so what is one more scar...Besides I thought I could maybe sell my scars to Mapquest...I have to many...

Please describe any plateau experiences you have had since surgery.

I havent had any yet but I am sure they will come...And I know me I will be really mad at myself...We all blame ourselves for our failures in life...It is normal...But I know I will get over it and will just have to work harder...

Do you notice people treating you any differently now?

Yeap...I have men in the store talk to me and offer to get something for me if it is up to high on the shelf...It's like I had cooties before and if they would have talked to me or helped me they would have gotten fat...Kids dont stare at me or talk about me anymore...It is a nice feeling...
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