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  • BMI 60.0

Obesity & Me

Describe your behavioral and emotional battle with weight control before learning about bariatric surgery.

I have always been a "big kid/guy". As a kid I was so active playing Football, Baseball, Basketball, and just playing outside in general that I kept in shape and kept from being "fat". I was just "big or solid" as people would say. After graduation from high school the activity level dropped isgnificantly in college and the weight piled on at a steady but rapid pace. My senior year in high school weighed around 280lbs and my freshman year at college a climbed into the 300's. At my wedding during my Senior year of college I weighed close to 380lbs. I always "dieted" and worked out and after my wedding I got down to around 340lbs but it has been a slow climb since that point. Now almost 5 years after my wedding I have slowly climbed ot my highest weight ever of 430lbs. I am currently 2 days pre-op and am so excited to start my new life as a loser!

What was (is) the worst thing about being overweight?

Thankfully for the most part I avoided the physical side affects of being 300+lbs for all these years, but the 400's are killing me. I am tired, sore, and out of breath constantly. Being a former athlete it is so embarassing to go from someone so fit and strong to an obese individual who cannot run up a flight of stairs without being winded forever it seems. Lastly, I have always been a sweater, but its at a ridiculous level now. I start sweating instantly when i do ANYTHING.

If you have had weight loss surgery already, what things do you most enjoy doing now that you weren't able to do before?

I am looking forward to fitting in seats and not breaking seats. I am just looking forward to feeling better all around.

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