Although this is rather late in coming, I wanted to say something about Lisa, who passed away from what was believed to have been a sudden case of acute meningitis that came on and took her within about 24 hours. Sadly, even though she felt horribly ill she thought she could manage without medical attention, until she realized it was an emergency situation. By then it was too late, and as the paramedics were entering the house, she died. In the course of researching WLS in 1998 I came to know Lisa. She was so bright, warm, and compassionate, with a sharp wit and terrific, irreverent sense of humor. I always thought she was a wonderful writer and could have made a career of it. We became friends and I eventually got to meet her when I went out to Colorado to see her a few days before her surgery in Dec. '99. In January 2001 she and I were starting to make plans for my proposed visit to the UK the following month. I ended up not going, persuaded by my hubby to wait until spring, when the weather would be warmer. I do wish I had made that February trip <sigh>. Lisa had a lot to offer this world. She is missed.