
DOES ANYONE USE LIQUID VITAMINS?    — Sandra A. (posted on May 18, 2000)

May 18, 2000
I don't use liquid vitamins myself, but I did see at Walgreens the other day that Centrum comes as a liquid. I heard it tastes bad, but if you have trouble swallowing the pills, it might be a good way to go for you.
   — Lynn K.

May 19, 2000
Right after surgery my doc had me on liquid vitamins and it tasted so gross. It gaged me and I could not drink the stuff. I am able to take pills THANKS GOODNESS. All I can say is the liquid vitamins taste horriable.
   — Lee Ann B.

May 19, 2000
My surgion place me on chewable vitamins and liquid pain medicene. The reason is that there has been cases where pills have gotton stuck in the swollen tissue of the stomach and caused sores. It is best not to start on pill form of meds till several weeks post-op to play it safe. P.S. Bugs Bunny Childrens Vitamins taste pretty good! Good Luck! Shelly
   — Shelly T.

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