What can I do to lose another 50 lbs

I had my Gastric Bypass surgery about 2 years ago. I started out at 329 and managed to get down to 208. When I went to the doctor today, I was 218. I would like to get down to 160 lbs by March or April on 2006. I am one of those that still eats small meals but I don't drink water and. Any suggestions on how I can get back on the right track and start back eating right?    — Colette B. (posted on July 24, 2005)

July 24, 2005
I do not have an answer for you but I want to tell you that you are not alone. Check out my profile. I have been here asking the same question. I know the answer about the eating and the water but how do you get motivated to do it. I started at 389 and got down to 263 on my doctors scale. I have not weighed lately on his scale but on another doctors scale and it said 282. I have to see my surgeon in September for my 2 1/2 year check-up. I am so ashamed of myself. I am really depressed about it so I tend to eat when I am depressed. It is a viscious cycle. Lord knows I do not want to weight anything starting with a "3" If anyone has answers for us please email me at [email protected] Thanks a bunch and good luck to you.
   — twin94

July 24, 2005
Your motivator is the weight gain. You don't want it so use it as positive chat in your head instead of negative. Are you journaling your meals? Yeah they may be small but perhaps they are too many calories and not enough protein? What about your exercising? How much are you doing and when? That would also help with the weight lose. I am not as far out as you are but I have been through those blasted plateaus that last forever it seems. What I found is I have to mix things up. I tend to eat the same things, same time, and exercise routine the same....I believe the body does get use to it....Perhaps you might want to find an email buddy or someone local to help with your journal. I know if there is no one looking at it I don't like to do it. Make yourself accountable. Or you might want to do a daily posting here and open it to everyone...What I did today could be your subject line.
   — dcox94

July 24, 2005
I will tell you how I was able to lose 30 pounds after 1 year out. I had gastric bypass surgery 11-11-03. I lost 100 pounds the first 6 months. Then the weight loss stopped. I was determined to lose more so I started drinking over 2 quarts of Crystal Light a day and doing 2 UNJURY protein shakes a day. I told myself that I did not want to go back to where I came from and the surgery was a "tool" so I need to start using the "tool" the right way. I lost 30 pounds from January 2005-April 2005 and I feel great. I continue to get my fluids in DAILY and my protein shakes. I know that was the key to my success. It is so easy to go back to the "old ways" - remember today is a new day. So get back on track today and don't look back - good luck - Michelle
   — Michelle S.

July 25, 2005
Hi! I am pre-op, however in every discussion I've read or heard in WLS support, the answer is 3: increase your protein, increase your water and up your exercise. Also, do not underestimate lite weight training COMBINED with aerobic exercise. Did you know using weights (even 3lb weights) builds muscle, and muscle burns fat? Did you know that of 2 people who lose weight- say 25lbs- one with exercise and one without- the person who exercises lost 25lbs of 100%fat; the person who DID NOT exercise lost 25 lbs of muscle+fat. See the difference? Exercise accelerates your weight loss and drinking more water is essential. Good Luck, Donna
   — nybabe

July 25, 2005

   — Kasey

July 25, 2005
If you have never been to a nutritionist specializing in bariatric patients, I would say that this would be a very good time to do this. They will give you good guidelines to follow regarding the number of meals as well as their content. I don't do well journalling, but if you do, that is an excellent idea as well. I simply eat a certain number of times per day and do my best to make the snacks something like fruit. Finally, from everything I've heard lately, the ones who have to best success in the long run are the ones who maintain some sort of exercise routine. It can be anything you enjoy, but it must be consistent. I run. I can eat more because I run. I need to eat more because I run. If I were to quit running, I'd have to quit eating a lot of what I eat now. I think I'll keep running. Find something you enjoy doing for exercise and commit yourself to doing it regularly. My guess is that you have your diet guidelines somewhere in your home. Look back at them. They will also help you see what you need to be doing. It can work. All you need to do is renew that committment to your health.
   — Linn D.

July 25, 2005
I read a post on the sight, even at 1-2 years out, if you go back to the "basics" of a gastric bypass, you can shrink your stomach back again. Go back to 4 ounces meals, 64 ounces of water a day, exercise, and protein. Just a suggestion, you might ask your dr. Hugs
   — Angelfirewithwings

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