What type of cracker is good to snack on say with peanut butter?

I'm a 1year and almost 5months post-op from having WLS. I snack on peanut butter some, and use right now club crackers. Should I try something that might be a little more healthier? What else do you guys snack on thats still healthy.    — Snowflake_Princess (posted on July 1, 2004)

July 1, 2004
Hi. I use Triscuits or any whole grain cracker I can find.
   — Fixnmyself

July 1, 2004
I use fatfree saltines.
   — bubbleboo K.

July 1, 2004
I sometimes have some Reduced Fat natural peanut butter on SnackWell Wheat Crackers. I don't have them everyday....just as an occasionally treat.
   — Roger C.

July 1, 2004
I use anything whole grain. Wasa crackers are great. Stay away from the ones made of refined flour.
   — mom2jtx3

July 1, 2004
I use the little rice cakes.
   — mriley

July 2, 2004
All right, I'll admit it -- I use very thin slices of swiss cheese for my peanut butter. BTW, I use Teddie's Super Chunk and it says, "Ingredients: Peanuts." The oil is good for you. Nina in Maine
   — [Deactivated Member]

July 2, 2004
3 Breton Sesame crackers are only 60 cals and low carb. Taste good too!
   — mrsmyranow

July 2, 2004
I just read in one of my magazines (Woman's Day, I think) That the best thing to have if you want a cracker is Wasa, Kavli or Ryvita. Also if you are going to have bread to choose Whole-wheat over multigrain. Hugs, Tracy 304/238/Healthy
   — Tracy P.

July 2, 2004
Triscuits or anything whole grain. There is a new cracker out called TLC that is pretty good-found in health food section of our grocery store...
   — Cindy R.

July 2, 2004
I occasionally enjoy the thin Triscuits. I hate spending all that extra $$ for the 'low carb' crackers that just go stale in the cupboard at my house.
   — DianeN

July 4, 2004
I use Melba Toast. I find them to be very dense and satisfying. It also helps with my hypogylycemia to have crackers and peanut butter about 11 am (otherwise my blood sugar drops dangerously around 11:30 am)
   — susanje

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