
I read the other question about back pain and answers. Mine is very similar, the pain is right in the middle of my back. However, the pain usually comes after walking or standing for a period of time until yesterday. It started when I was just watching TV. Today I woke up with the pain and I don't feel like I can breath right. I mean I am not suffocating or anything, I just feel weird. I don't want to go see my doctor and it just a case of me being paranoid. I am just wondering if being malnurished can cause these symptoms?    — Sandra Z. (posted on August 27, 2003)

August 27, 2003
In my non-medical opinion it would not be because of malnourishment unless it was severe like some of the people in third world countries. It could very well be that because of the pain your body does not want to take normal deep breaths etc. I'd go to your PCP and see what's up.
   — zoedogcbr

August 27, 2003
I have had excrutiating back problems. It started after I lost 50lbs. I went to the orthopedist and learned that I had sciatica (pinched sciatic nerve) which can be treated. When I was MO the fat acted as a pad for the nerve, the pad is gone and now my spine is pinching it. The sciatic nerve causes pain in various areas including the hip and leg. If you are having problems like you describe, you should see a Dr.
   — M B.

August 27, 2003
That kind of pain is not normal - see a doctor! If you are malnourished, you need to correct that and if it's something else, it needs to be treated. Don't worry about being paranoid - unusual, bad pain isn't normal and you need to find out what's going on.
   — Patty_Butler

August 28, 2003
i too have back aches in my lower back now my dr said it was my bodys realiening itself and adjusting to the weight loss my spine is having to hold my body differently now and i still have the huge panni apron in front which pulls things out of whack, before it was fat all over now it is more just in front that is hard on ones back! maybe he is full of doody?? made sense to me at the time.
   — janetc00

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