I had a tummy tuck and hernia repair 2-14-02. My hernia is back with a vengence it is

even bigger than it was before. It is in the same spot so I am pretty positive it is the same hernia. After my surgery I asked my surgeon if he put a mesh in he said no. Has anyone ever had surgery twice for the same hernia?    — susan V. (posted on July 31, 2002)

August 1, 2002
Yes - I had four C-Sections and then three other abdominal surgeries (non of them laproscopic) including my VBG 13 months ago. I had the same hernia repaired 4 times in the 16 years all of that was going on. Plus a couple of other hernias as well. Had my TT in May, 2002, repaired it again -hopefully for the last time since I am down by 148 lbs and since the TT "took away" the C-Section scar site, created a new scar site, which should be much stronger.....
   — Cathy J.

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