What is Dr.Juarez New Phone number????

the number that is listed here on AMOS and in imformation (411) is wrong does anyone have his new phone number i must get in contact with him and he is to fare for me to drive downtown to stop by his office yet    — [Deactivated Member] (posted on March 29, 2002)

March 29, 2002
Just a suggestion - it might be beneficial to you if you add a little bit more information regarding Dr. Juarez - such as - what state is he out of or what city. Just a thought. Sorry I couldn't help you.
   — Lisa J.

March 30, 2002
someone else in our support group had the same suggestion would be to either call St Lukes Hospital and ask them if they have a new number or call weight management and ask them - I know he moved from the 3rd floor to the 6th floor of the hospital - they didnt mention a number change, but if you are having problems - try one of the two options.....thanks
   — Sharon Jones

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