Will Dr. Wongsa (Housotn, TX) make you reschedule surgery, if you have gained weight?

I will have my surgery with doctor Voravit Wongsa in a few days. I have gained a few lbs (~10 lbs). Has anyone had any problem regarding this issue. Do you think he'll make me reschedule the surgery?    — [Anonymous] (posted on February 24, 2002)

February 24, 2002
I am waiting for my insurance approval to have surgery with Dr Wongsa and he told me that if I did not lose that he would cancel. I think it depends on each individual person. I went through and cleaned out my fridge and pantry just in case. I am on the "no carb" diet and haven't lost yet but just started!! Best of losin' to you!!!
   — Tammy B.

February 25, 2002
Hi, my angel and I had surgery with Dr. Wongsa on January 23rd this year, and he had specifically told her not to gain anymore weight a couple months pre-op, but she had gained like 20 pounds, and he told her not to gain anymore, and for the second time he told her that if she gained weight he would postpone her surgery. Even though she tried her hardest to lose it all before surgery she still could not lose all of it, but he did the surgery . The reason the surgeon tells you not to gain any weight is because when your body is in the gaining mode, your liver gets swollen and you are at a higher risk of getting your liver damaged during the surgery. My suggestion would be that you cut back your carbs, and increase your protien so that even if you don't lose any weight you won't gain anymore before the surgery. I'm not sure if he would really really cancel the surgery, but I do know that they don't like doing it when you are in the gaining mode. Good luck! T. J.
   — tjmoore

April 10, 2002
I am having surgery with Dr Wongsa on April 18. i had to lose 20 to 30 lbs and told me that if i gained any more weight he would not do the surgery! I've lost 23lbs so far!
   — Renee S.

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