Is it possible to stretch your pouch at 3 weeks post op?

I don't have a problem eating a whole cup of applesauce. And I'm not loosing weight as fast as I think I am. I know I'm loosing weight but no one notices yet. I'm feeling like my surgeon didn't do the WLS. I think I got cheated.....    — [Anonymous] (posted on September 8, 2001)

September 8, 2001
I,too, feel like I am eating more than everyone else. I am 3 and a half weeks post op and for breakfast I have 1/2 english muffin with peanut butter. I don't feel overly stuffed, and when I eat I usually stop when I am just "satisfied". I hear long time post ops say they only eat a few bites of this or 1/4 cup of that. If I can already eat this much at 3 weeks I'm afraid within a year I'll be eating like normal. So, you're not alone.. I'm a bit nervous, too.
   — Jen S.

September 8, 2001
Naaaaaaa... in the beginning all of those folks saying they eat a teaspoon of food for dinner are just too scared to eat more. One half cup to 3/4 of a cup of soft food is what many of us are eating. I was freaked out about it too in the beginning. Also applesauce is of the consistency that it runs out of your pouch while you are eating it. Just like yogurt or water. It is funny... I thought the same thing at first, that my doc just made 6 marks on my belly and sent me home. Once you are eating regular food you will see a huge difference with various foods. It also depends on the way things are cooked... baked chicken I can eat 2 bites... stewed soft chicken I can eat an entire medium sized thigh. The weight will come off... you will lose it.
   — SusanMaria

September 8, 2001
That does seem like a lot of volume. BUT you didn't say how long it takes to eat that. What worries me is that if it is No Sugar Added applesauce, that Cup is the same amount of sugar as a Milky Way. If it's regular stuff, OH MY GOSH. Check the sugar g vs serving size on the label and be sure you're not undoing yourself with hidden sugars. I love the stuff myself, but it is a big wad of sugar.
   — vitalady

September 8, 2001
I can honestly tell you that at 3 weeks there is NO way that I could have eaten a whole serving of applesauce. I was eating 1 oz for about 3 weeks and then my surgeon said I could increase it to 2 ounces and then maybe 3 a little later on. At 1 year I can eat about 1/2 to 2/3 cup food at most at one time.
   — georgiacarol

September 8, 2001
I think many people are not considering the fact that everyones pouch size is NOT exactly the same....Drs estimate and staple...i don't quite understand how people say liquids run out as you drink them because i can not drink larger than 2 ozs at one sitting..which i mean is withing like fifteen minutes...i become uncomfortably full. Just recognize when you are full and eat things good for you and you will lose : )
   — paula B.

September 9, 2001
I'm not a doctor, but I will tell you about my experiences. I'm almost 8 weeks post-op, and I can actually eat regular food (cooked right). I have lost over 60 pounds and I'm happy with my success. I don't won't to lose 100 pounds in a month if I have to eat a spoon of soup a day. Those who only eat a spoon full are not losing anymore weight than those who are eating balanced meals. I do not eat fried foods, junk food, or drink sodas. I will admit that I take a lot of time with the preparation of each meal. The key to weight loss is protein intake, water, and exercise. I don't consume those protein shakes either. I can't tolerate the taste. Keep eating and don't measure your success by someone else's yardstick. Good Luck and God bless you
   — Tammy W.

September 9, 2001
I can eat a alot. I guess I am just weird, but I know that everyone is different. My first week I was doing the teaspoon thing. By three weeks I could drink 6 ounces. Now, 1 1/2 months later and 56 pounds later I can drink 8-10 ounces of liquid, maybe more, and any super soft or watery food. Like lettuce, jello, etc. Everyone is different. Please do remember that you must be extra careful since you can take in more than you originally expected. These are times to remember that it is just a tool!! Good luck!
   — Courtney W.

September 10, 2001
Hi, I am 3-1/2 weeks and I was just thinking the same thing. That maybe I had stretched my pouch because I am finding myself eating more than a couple of teaspoons. I have read alot of responses on this site under the library about this subject and I feel a lot better. The more you read you will see everyone is different (pouch size). One doctor actually posted that it takes months for you to stretch your pouch. So be safe and enjoy your liquids/soft foods, because once we move on to regular food, it's going to be a whole different ball game. GOOD LUCK
   — Marcitia Z.

September 10, 2001
Well, I'm gonna be the different bird here! I am 3 weeks post op and have been eating solid foods for over a week. My doctor told me if I can tolerate solid foods and I chew like crazy this would be ok. I try as often as possible to stay with soft foods, but I'm finding my old lifestyle is not changing as much as I had hoped. On occassion I am hungry, but mostly "head hunger". I find I can eat up to a cup or even more of almost ANYTHING!! When I say anything, I am including meats, fruits and vegatables. I have only felt bursting full on 2 occassions and have NOT thrown up anything, nor have I had diarrea. It seems as though I have this 18" scar and nothing else changed. I do notice that I can't eat anywhere near what I ate preop, but I'm not eating or drinking tablespoons of stuff either. I am loosing weight, 24 lbs. in the first 17 days. I feel like I am eating way too much, but my doctor said it is VERY HARD to stretch the pouch WITHOUT perfuse vomiting first! Does this sound familiar to anyone else?
   — danhait

September 12, 2001
I had my surgery on May 3, 2001 and have lost 68lbs... but for the last 3 weeks have lost nothing. I flucuate going up 1 or 2 lbs and then going back down. Do you think my surgery has stopped working? I still have over 100lbs to loose. I have even started exercising every morning. HELP !!! P.S. I had open RYN
   — Kim E.

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