How do you know if it is your new stomach or old stomach thats growling?

   — K T. (posted on September 5, 2001)

September 5, 2001
   — Kristin R.

September 6, 2001
HUH? I don't "get" the previous answer.
   — [Anonymous]

September 6, 2001
Hahaha! That is so funny! I can't believe the 2nd poster didn't get it. Hahaha
   — [Anonymous]

September 6, 2001
okay...very cute...but seriously now...Can you feel where the growling is coming from? My growling doesn't occur in my (old) stomach or (new) pouch, at all, but seems to come from my upper intestine. In fact, I often find myself calling that area my "tummy". It gets tummy aches and feels funny like my old stomach used to. Funny, huh? sort of my surrogate stomach.
   — Anne G.

September 6, 2001
I am going through the same thing. I actually started having "hunger pains" three days post op but I don't know where they are coming from?? I also have found that you mind also has a part in it. I know that if my brain thinks it is hungry my tummy will actually growl and I mean right after I eat something. Strange I know. Dana
   — [Anonymous]

September 6, 2001
Ha! Ha! Ha! that is so funny especially for someone who hasn't had the operation yet. Just you wait - you'll know what she is talking about when your time comes.
   — [Anonymous]

September 7, 2001
I've researched all of the bariatric surgeries and have not seen this persons question addressed. I think the answers posted here were all insensitive and rude. If you are just learning about all of this, then the questions can not be taken so lightly. After all isn't that what this sight is for???
   — [Anonymous]

September 11, 2001
who is this annonymous person? Is it the same person or what. One of them is obnoxious.
   — Jennifer H.

September 14, 2001
I'm very new at all of this, but at the seminar I attended, the doctor explained the resaon they do not remove the part of the stomache that is separated is because the acid and bile is still used for some part of the digestion process. So as funny as some you thought this question was, I think it probrably is the old stomache doing the growling, because it still does function, just not the way it use to.
   — MaryAnn51

September 14, 2001
I am 9 months post-op and I have experienced the same thing. Initially I wondered whether it was the old or new stomach, but then I realized that the new stomach doesn't really have the acid which "gurgles," so to speak. That means it really can't rumble or "growl." Although I tend to agree with a previous poster that it may be more in your intestines where you are feeling and hearing the growling. I can really hear my "tummy" growling very loudly, and decided to listen with a stethoscope. Turns out it is from the intestinal area. Hope this helps. And to some of the previous posters, get a life!
   — Maria H.

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