I am soon scheduled for a days worth of testing at the hospital.

What kind of testing are they going to do?    — Stacey W. (posted on September 5, 2001)

September 5, 2001
Every surgeon is different and some order tests that others don't so I can only tell you what I had done. I had an upper GI, chest x-ray, pulmonary function tests, and blood work....LOTS of blood work. They took 22 tubes of blood and then did a 5 hour glucose test which meant having my blood drawn an additional 6x that day.
   — Elizabeth C.

September 5, 2001
My surgeon requires many tests. So far the ones that I have completed are...Upper GI, Chest x-rays, abdominal ultrasound to check spleen, gaul bladder, kidneys etc. An ultrasound of the heart and ultrasound of my legs to check for potential blood clots. Also, lots of blood work. There would be more tests if I were a diabetic etc. In my opinion, the more we check on before the surgery the better. I want to know where things stand before my surgery. Good Luck with your tests.
   — skymaxjr

September 5, 2001
Hi Stacey. I had all my pre-op testing today. I've talked to so many people and it seems like all surgeons have their own requirements. I had bloodwork, EKG, chest x-ray and an endoscopy. I definately agree with the othe person's answer. Its better to see any problems we may have now before we're in surgery. Good luck!
   — Kelley S.

September 5, 2001
although all surgeons are differnt...some of the pre-op tests are just standard for any kind of surgery. My surgeon required....gall bladder & liver ultrasound, ekg, chest xray, upper gi, arterial blood gas, blood analysis, urinalysis (can't spell today, sorry) and I also met with the dietican and someone from the ansthesology department. Hope that helps.
   — Ilene M.

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