Does anyone have a copy of a Durable power of Attorney and living will that I can

I can take a look at. I think I can get one at the hospital on preadmission but I want to have it all ready so I won't be upsetting my family. Thanks, Kim    — K T. (posted on August 21, 2001)

August 21, 2001
Kim---In case you check this page first, I sent some forms to your email. Hope they help.
   — Tracy L.

August 27, 2001
kim, you can get copies of a DPOA or LW from the Social Services department at any Nursing Home or Hospital. Also there are legal site with free copies. Good Luck Linda
   — Linda B.

August 27, 2001
Office Supply stores like Office Depot, Office Max, or Staples carry all sorts of fill in the blank legal forms. I got my durable power of attorney and generic last will and testament there.
   — Sharon_Cauthen

August 21, 2002
I just did an internet search and typed in WILL. I copied the format and made on up myself and had it noterized. It's nothing that "has" to be done by an attorney. As long as you are making you wished know in writing and it is noterized most courts would recongnize your wishes if it comes to that point. Also, There is no special "look" or "format" to a will, you could even just write a letter of your wishes, as long as you have it noterized. Get it in writing. I too don't have much to leave, but I have children and that's what I did. A will should not be a major thing as long as you have not got a lot to leave or special instruction, for that I would use an attorney. Just get it in writing.....Hope this helps...
   — Julie M.

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