I was told by my psychologist that she knew if people that had hemmoraged? Possible?

I went to see my psychologist today whom I see on a normal basis. I had mentioned to her when I first started to see her that I was "thinking" about the surgery. I mentioned to her today that I am now actively persuing this. She of course said I should try other methods first. Which I explained to her that I have. She them proceded to tell me that she knows of a few people that had this surgery that came near to death due to hemmoraging problems. Is this possible? Does this happen often? I have not heard of this as being a complication until she said that. Please let me know if you have any info on this. Thanks!    — [Anonymous] (posted on August 15, 2001)

August 15, 2001
She may be thinking of people who had the old "stomach stapling in the 70s; it wasn't as good an operation and people had more problems. A lot of the horror stories are based on those old, earlier surgeries. YOU HAVE A LESS THAN 1% CHANCE OF HEMORRHAGING OR DEATH WITH WLS - NO GREATER THAN WITH ANY MAJOR SURGERY THAT REQUIRES GENERAL ANESTHESIA. Ask your surgeon if he does a "leak" test before releasing you from the hospital. Mine does TWO of them, one while you're still under the anesthesia and another one a day postop. If you have bleeding problems, be sure to tell your anesthesiologist and surgeon and DO NOT take any aspirin-containing products in the weeks prior to your surgery - they inhibit platelet formation (clotting of your blood) and can make you bleed. Hell, I know of someone who choked to death on his own blood after a tonsillectomy - is it LIKELY? No. Do millions of people have tonsillectomies every year without bleeding? YES. Should you listen to other people's horror stories, when each of us is different and they probably don't apply to you? NO. ASK your doctor if you have any doubts. He/she will level with you.
   — Lisa D.

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