Has anyone went to Mexico to have their procedure? Known anyone

who went to Mexico to have it. Can give me any information about it. I've heard they do several different procedures. But they do the RNY, and the DS?    — [Anonymous] (posted on August 9, 2001)

August 9, 2001
I am going soon! I am having a LAP RNY done by Dr. Rumbaut who by the way has just been WONDERFUL! All of his patients love him.
   — Helena R.

August 10, 2001
To the previous poster - can you send me some information on this doctor? [email protected] Thanks
   — K T.

August 10, 2001
Hi, while I was waiting for my insurance approval a few months back I was chatting with a woman that had gone to Mexico to get her RNY done. She had it open. She said her doc was great and she was very pleased. The only thing she ran into was a language barrier. Her doc spoke English, but most of the nursing staff and other staff did not. She said it was difficult to convey what she wanted or if she was in pain. I would definately reccomend a Spanish to English dictionary for anyone that is not fluent. Best wishes!!
   — Carey N.

June 10, 2002
Dr. Herrera here in Mexico City.
   — maureenmosti

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