I have excess skin around my knees that hang over in the back

This is really gross but I noticed an odor after scratching the back of my knees. I took a shower and paid close attention to wash that area very well. After drying off, I again noticed the odor. Please don't tell me this is bad hygiene - because I know that is not. I'm sure it has something to do with my obesity but I'm also wonder if it isn't rotting flesh. Anybody know what it could be and how to fix it (besides loosing weight) I'm afraid that maybe other people can smell it.    — [Anonymous] (posted on July 6, 2001)

July 6, 2001
You might have a yeast infection!Is there other places that you have folds of skin that you notice the same odor?(check)Is it red and sore?Is it a little ooze?Read about yeast infections in your skin folds,sounds to me like that might be what you have going on.You can be very clean and still have a yeast infection.Hope this helps
   — [Anonymous]

July 6, 2001
I put deoderant in the skin creases that get oderos.There are diffrent places on my body that the skin is on skin,and it seem to create a not so plesant odor.Powder can also help.It can also be from a yeast infrection.I know its a smelly subject,but im glad you brought it up!
   — Wendy M.

July 6, 2001
The prior posters are right. This could be a yeast infection or other dermatological condition. See a doctor, but MOST IMPORTANLY document the visits and prescriptions/treatment given! This may be your salvation to approval for a thighplasty after you have lost your weight. If you already having hanging skin there, you will definitely be a candidate, and this is one of the harder procedures to get PS coverage for. While you being treated, be sure the doc records other areas of skin problems for other PS work you may want/need. You'll be thanking me for this advice when you're skinny and want to get rid of your redundant skin.
   — Jill L.

July 7, 2001
They're right! It is most likely a fungal infection of the skin, cused by trapped perspiration and dead skin cells. See your doctor and, AS THAT SMART PERSON ADVISED, KEEP THE RECORDS FOR LATER. If it is a fungal infection, any of the medicated anti-fungal creams or sprays in the foot care section of the pharmacy should help. (Lotrimin, etc.) But just in case it's bacterial or both, and for documentation purposes, see your doctor. Wash and dry the area 2-3 times a day, being sure to get VERY dry, as additional preventative measures. (Sweat feeds bacteria and fungi.) Zeasorb powder or somethng like Gold Bond(foot powders in general, actually) are best for absorbing sweat without causing additional problems. Ask your doctor. Best Wishes, Jesse
   — Jesse M.

July 7, 2001
Thank you for the advice. It just didn't occur to me because I get the same type of smell after wearing earings. Anyway, I do get yeast infections all the time, in fact my doctor has resorted to giving me an indefinate prescription for diflucan. I wonder if that will help. I will definately go to my doctor next week as I have the same problem under my stomach and since I have a rash there just assumed that my skin was rotting from no air. Get it under my breasts as well. Gravity has played a very cruel trick on me. Thanks again.
   — [Anonymous]

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