I am 2 months postop. If I get my hair permed will it increase my chances of hair

loss? I am taking biotin and using biotin shampoo.    — [Anonymous] (posted on July 4, 2001)

July 3, 2001
It will depend upon the condition of your hair now. Most hair dressers will tell you if your hair is in any kind of condition to take a perm and/or coloring. perming can make your hair more brittle.
   — paula B.

July 3, 2001
The hair loss you will have is pretty much already determined. The shock from the surgery affects and interrupts the growth cycle of the hair follicle itself, this is why it takes 3-4 months to show up, and about that long to start growing back. Damage from a perm occurs at the scalp and the hair falls out but the follicle is still intact, which is why it starts growing back almost immediately. There is really no shampoo or vitamins that will stop the hairloss if the follicle is shocked or damaged. Thickening shampoos might help, perms might help (to actually answer your question, it won't hurt, the damage is done, if you are going to lose hair in 3-4 months after surgery or not has already happened in the follicle) Coloring can help as the color actually thickens the hair shaft (no bleaching or lightening though, that takes color out and will show the scalp even more) A shorter layered cut can also help. Thickening shampoos will help a little, they too coat the hair, but you don't want to use a lot of conditioner as it actually weighs the hair down and can make it look flatter. I was a hairdresser ( I quit because standing was too hard at my weight) and I've researched hair loss extensively by reading everything from glamour magazine to medical journals. BTW, rogain and nixal will not help, these products are for heridity pattern baldness. Basically, don't waste your money on a bunch of pills or products, instead buy a nice scarf, eat healthy (food does affect hair growth to a point as it does skin and nails, unhealthy people have unhealthy hair) and maybe invest in a wig, and know that it will grow back. Becky
   — Becky K.

July 4, 2001
I don't know if this helps but, I am having surgery soon and thought I'd look into this. I found some stuff at health food store, (you may find at store that carries natural/organic products) that unclogs and stimulates hair follicles, thus promoting healthy hair growth. One brand is Hairever1. It is a scalp treatment with a blend of oils and vitamins to stimulate growth at the follicle itself. It is pretty cheap compared to hair care products and Nioxen. I'll probably use some! Can't hurt to try! Please let me know if you find anything that works! Good luck as you continue your journey!
   — lovebug2

July 4, 2001
I work in a salon and have had r-n-y myself and I think getting a perm will not affect your hair loss. You are going to lose hair no matter what you do to it. The only way perming your hair could promote more hair loss is if your hair is in bad condition(dry/damaged)before your hair is permed. You will have the same affects as a non gastric client would have.I also beleive shampoos, conditioners and treatmets for hair loss do not work. The hair is gonna go no matter what you do. Save your money and treat yourself to a massage instead.
   — paintnmynails

July 4, 2001
Like some others that posted answers I too have been a stylist for the past 14 years. Perming your hair is a chemical change not a biological one. So therefore the condition your hair is in now will dictate how your perm is going to "take". You also need to keep in mind the amount of medication you are on which some have a tendency to build up on the follicle and wil cause the hair to become resistant. Getting a perm will defintly not cause your hair to fall out but it may cause it to become dry and brittle making it susceptible to breaking off. Talk with a knowledgeable hairdresser who may have to apply a stripper to get rid of any build up on the shaft of your hair. Using good products afterwards will help your perm to look better and last longer. Hope this helps....
   — kristen H.

July 4, 2001
Like some others that posted answers I too have been a stylist for the past 14 years. Perming your hair is a chemical change not a biological one. So therefore the condition your hair is in now will dictate how your perm is going to "take". You also need to keep in mind the amount of medication you are on which some have a tendency to build up on the follicle and wil cause the hair to become resistant. Getting a perm will defintly not cause your hair to fall out but it may cause it to become dry and brittle making it susceptible to breaking off. Talk with a knowledgeable hairdresser who may have to apply a stripper to get rid of any build up on the shaft of your hair. Using good products afterwards will help your perm to look better and last longer. Hope this helps....
   — kristen H.

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