I'm new at this..what does

From what I'm getting from some of the responses about alcohol I think it means a high calorie beverage. Is this the same concept as like ice cream, etc?    — Allison T. (posted on June 26, 2001)

June 26, 2001
That is how I personally regard it. I'm not willing to give back any of my loss for momentary stuff. But then, I was so close to death of my comorbs that perhaps I obsess. Still, as much as I'd like to have a hot choc chip cookie with a cold glass of milk, am I willing to give back 10# of my loss? No. Can I then do without that particular taste treat? Yes. I was not particularly a drinker, but now there is NO chance that I'd even go down that road. But then, that's how I choose to run this thing for myself. Everyone kinda does their own thing, but I expect you've noticed that.
   — vitalady

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