If you have an allergy to morphine, what pain medicine do the use......

In the hospital and when you go home do they give you something to control the pain? Something stronger than tylenol 3 which is what they sent me home with after my c-section.    — K T. (posted on June 23, 2001)

June 23, 2001
After my C-Sections and Hysterectomy - DEMEROL (sp) Good stuff. I am allergic to morphine too.
   — Helena R.

June 23, 2001
Although not bad enough to be an allergy, I don't tolerate morphine well. They gave me Toredol a couple of times, and sent me home with Darvocet. They sent my husband home with Vicodin. - Kate -
   — kateseidel

June 23, 2001
No answer, just wanted to say thank you. I too am allergic to Morphine (previous surgery) and was wondering what too I could take instead for pain.. boy, this site is so helpful. Thank you.
   — rinkadinktx

June 23, 2001
I was on Demerol with a pca pump. It worked wonderfully. In the hospital I was also on Lortab elixir for pain. I had a prescription filled for this medicine preop and took this when I got home. Great stuff!! I really only needed it for a couple of days. My doctor allows advil, so I took a couple of those occasionally. I didn't have pain very long.
   — Shelley.

August 14, 2001
As it turned out, I am unable to tolerater either Demerol or morphine. They both make me horribly sick. It was three days before my doctor figured out that the morphine was the culprit....he reduced it and I stopped giving myself the boluses via the pump...gradually the terrible nausea went away. Tordol, which is a non-narcotic, anti-inflammatory was the wonder drug for me. That with the anti-emetic PO Lortab, helped the most. After d/c, because of sever chest pain which ended up to be gastric reflux, the ER doc gave me a couple of Tylox which is exactly the same ingredients as Lortab only they were much more effective, being in a capsule. Be sure to let your doctor and the anesthesiologist know the name of the medications that you cannot tolerate or are "allergic" to and what happens if you do take it. In my case I seem to have a bad reaction to "opiads".
   — Marie K.

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