Searched the database and haven't seen this addressed-gross. sorry!

I am post open RNY (Feb 2001 -52lbs) and have had no problems at all, but a strange thing happened yesterday and I was wondering if it has happened to anyone else. I ate chicken salad and a few fries from a restaurant (yes, I splurged) and last night when I pooped there was orange oily drops floating on the water. I also noticed this happening once when I ate Spaghettios with Meat Balls. (I know it looks like I am not eating well, but I usually eat much better than this (protein, salad, etc.) and that is probably why I have not had this happen more often) Anyway it is weird. Was this because the meal was high in fat and my body didn't absorb it? That would be good I guess, but it reminded me of what some people who tried Xenical described happening to them and I am not taking any meds other than vitamins and Previcid. Just wondering what may have caused this. Thanks!    — [Anonymous] (posted on May 27, 2001)

May 27, 2001
yes, I believe that you are seeing oil that was not absorbed. That's exactly how it was when I took Xenical. Even though you are not taking that medication, it would appear your surgery is causing some malabsorbtion, and I suspect those foods must be very high in fat to cause this.
   — danirat

May 27, 2001
Yes, this is an example of fat malabsorption, just like one of the pleasant side effects of Xenical. I've been on the stuff since the FDA approved it, and every time I eat too much fat this is what happens. Makes one realise just how much hidden fat there is in the food we eat.
   — dantevolta

May 27, 2001
RNY causes fat/oils to be malabsorbed in some degree. Proximal, a little, distal, a lot. Distal frequently get "oil slicks". Just your surgery at work for you. You may have to watch your fats for comfort sake, but you can see they aren't gonna make you heavy! Also, you are not absoring vites A, D & E, so be sure you are supplementing those in dry form AND get labs checked on those levels, too.
   — vitalady

May 31, 2001
That happened to me prior to surgery -- when I would eat potato chips containing olestra (which is "fat free" b/c they make the fat so it won't be absorbed by your body and it goes out w/ the waste).
   — Jennifer S.

June 4, 2001
I bet you had your gallbladder removed during your surgery....Bile is primarily responsible for breaking down the fats we eat....No bile, no fat breakdown....The fats may go through only partially digested....
   — Linda I.

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