Did anyone stop losing altogether after only one year?

I am 10 months post op, and have lost 133 lbs so far. I still have 50 - 60 lbs to go. My doc says 65 lbs, I'd be happy with only 40 more. (I went from 313 lbs to 180 lbs). Anyway, I haven't lost an ounce in 3 - 4 weeks. I've done all the plateau suggestions, upped the protein, upped the water, and walked. The scale isn't budging. Could I possibly be "done" losing weight? Has anyone stopped losing this early in the game? I thought we would lose for a year and a half approximately. I hit plateaus before for a week or two, but never this long. Could it just be another plateau? I need some encouragement, as I'm "freaking" out thinking this is it. Thanks - Lisa    — Lisa F. (posted on May 22, 2001)

May 22, 2001
Lisa, first of all, I have to say you look marvelous!!!! Wow, what an achievment! I have had so many plateaus, some lasting 3-4 weeks like you said. I've spent the last 10 days working on both my yard and my mom's yard for 4-8 hours a day. I drank the water, ate well, and sweated! Nothing happened - in fact, I fluctuated the same 2.5 pounds for those 10 days. Then, yesterday morning I dropped three pounds and this morning I dropped another three. The exercise will build muscle, which weighs more than fat. The metabolic boost could take a week or so to catch up with your body. Keep up and don't get discouraged! I thought I was done too, but now I'm so pumped about losing six pounds in two days that I just know the best is yet to come. Also, is your body at a 'familiar' weight? If its been there before, it may want to stay and get reacquainted for a while. Good Luck and God Bless.
   — Allie B.

May 22, 2001
YES...YOU LOOK ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS!!! I agree with Allie--don't give up & stick to it because it will start moving again. And as she said, if you have been at this weight sometime in your life your fat has found a familiar friend and wants to stay for a little visit. You look great and don't give up! I'm 4 mos. post op, minus 60 lbs & afraid I'll stop losing too ... I don't have time to exercise because I go to work early and get off late...not a good excuse though. Good luck!
   — Betty Todd

May 24, 2001
Hi, thanks everyone - guess what? A day or so after I posted that - I lost 2 lbs! Yipee! I really thought that I was done losing, it had been soooo long.
   — Lisa F.

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