Binge eating disorder

Has anyone here had a Binge-eating disorder and did surgery correct it? If I were to suggest this to my doctor would it help me or hurt me in getting approved for the surgery?    — [Anonymous] (posted on March 17, 2001)

March 17, 2001
If you are looking for surgery to correct Binge eating it won't(in my opinion). Binge eating is a behavior. THis surgery dsn't correct the behavior. You can still binge with surgery and you will make yourself sick! You also run the risk of stretching and popping the sutcher line and all. I know if you went to most psych. exams and they knew you binged you would be denied. I would work on the issues as to why you binge first. Also, after the surgery it can become difficult to change your eating habits and it could actually "trigger" the binging. Sorry, this is just my opinion. Best wishes in your quest to become healthy.
   — Linda M.

March 17, 2001
I think you could definitely be a candidate for surgery. If by binge eating you mean that you eat until you're very full (as opposed to people who graze, just eating a little all the time), then this will work, because you will feel that full feeling after a tiny amount of food and then be able to -- or be forced to-- stop eating. Yes, binge eating is a behavior -- but ALLLLLLLL overeating is a behavior. Ultimately, the vast majority of us overeat because the "I'm full now" recpetors in the top of the stomach don't get activated until our giant stomachs are way too full. By getting a small stomach with WLS, we have a good chance at a "normal" receptor activation. So don't give up. What's your alternative, anyway? And no, I would NOT tell the hospital about being a binge eater. Not that it's so terrible, but you just do not want to introduce ANYTHING into the "file" that might cause an uproar. Tell your own personal therapist, get help, etc., but have the WLS. WE ALLLL have binged. No exceptions! And WLS works.
   — [Anonymous]

March 17, 2001
I think you could definitely be a candidate for surgery. If by binge eating you mean that you eat until you're very full (as opposed to people who graze, just eating a little all the time), then this will work, because you will feel that full feeling after a tiny amount of food and then be able to -- or be forced to-- stop eating. Yes, binge eating is a behavior -- but ALLLLLLLL overeating is a behavior. Ultimately, the vast majority of us overeat because the "I'm full now" recpetors in the top of the stomach don't get activated until our giant stomachs are way too full. By getting a small stomach with WLS, we have a good chance at a "normal" receptor activation. So don't give up. What's your alternative, anyway? And no, I would NOT tell the hospital about being a binge eater. Not that it's so terrible, but you just do not want to introduce ANYTHING into the "file" that might cause an uproar. Tell your own personal therapist, get help, etc., but have the WLS. WE ALLLL have binged. No exceptions! And WLS works.
   — [Anonymous]

March 18, 2001
I would encourage you to go to the library and also look at some of the other responses to your question. You may even want to contact some of these people who are experincing the same thing you are and have been there. I can tell you that the 1st program I was at wouldn't accept anyone who binged or purged or was/is bulimic. However, it depends on what you consider binging. I can also tell you that not all of us have/do binge! best wishes
   — Linda M.

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