Can obesity cause such female problems that you have to have a hysterectomy?

My gyn. said that if I don't do something I will end up having to have a hysterectomy from the hormone imbalance.(she is writing me a letter of medical necessity) She said she wouldn't want to preform one because with someone of my size they are very much more difficult and dangerous. I definately don't want one because I keep holding on to the hope that I will have at least 1 more child - has anyone had a hysterectomy pre-op that was directly related to thier obesity and how difficult did it seem to be? Does anyone know how much a hysterectomy costs?    — K T. (posted on March 15, 2001)

March 15, 2001
I had a complete hysterctomy at age 29. At time I weighed about 280-290 pounds. I was suffering from endometriosis and a colapsed uterus. My obgyn said this was at least partialy due to my obesity by all means. The additional pressure my adoment put on my uterus in addition to the endometriosis caused it to cave in. I don't know the causes of endometriosis or if the case of endometriosis is higher in obese women or not. I know now also that at least partially due to the hysterectomy I now have a bladder prolapse... my abdomen is still heavy (I'm at an all time high of 330 lbs) and my bladder is pushing through my vaginal walls and pushing out. Its uncomfortable and causes infections etc. I imagine this is more info than you wanted.. but figured hey I'd give ya all I got.
   — Dawn R.

March 15, 2001
My pcp didn't want me to have the rny before i had the hysterectomy. She wanted me to have the hysterectomy first. My gyn didn't want to touch me with a ten foot pole. She said have the surgery then six months later come back and see me. Well needless to say everything was right on track. Didn't need to have the hysteectomy after all.Probably once you have the surgery you might not need the hysterectomy.
   — [Anonymous]

March 15, 2001
There is a school of thought that carrying excess weight does cause a female hormonal problems. Estrogen is carried in fat cells. The fatter we are, the more estrogen we have in our body, and vice-versa (this is why anorexics often stop having their periods). I had a complete hysterectomy due to large uterine fibroids. Whether or not they were caused by my obesity isn't sure. Do you have access to the Internet? If so, go to and search for "obesity and hysterectomy." There is also a great site for hysterectomy information (much like this site for WLS information). That site is called "Hyster-Sisters." I don't have the URL. By the way, my hysterectomy was about $12,000.
   — Kristy J.

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