What can I do about nausea?

I had my surgery approximately one week ago and am finding the nausea almost unbearable, especially when I try to get my liquids down. Is this something that will pass? How long will it take? Any ideas to reduce the problem?    — Terissa R. (posted on March 11, 2001)

March 11, 2001
Hi: I too, suffered terribly with nausea. Yes, it does become better with time. However, I did call my surgeons office to see if I could take something. They gave me something that has helped (something like Pepcid?) However, the first week or two, was bad. I still experience it (I'm at week 5) when I drink straight water. Go figure...I pretty much only drink crystal lite. I have no problems with that. Just remember you had major surgery, it takes a while for things to settle down. But call your doc tomorrow if it is still so bad. They might be able to help till your system recovers.
   — Karen A.

March 12, 2001
I am just a little over 8 months post-op from a lap proximal RNY. I still a get occasional bouts of nausea. As long as it has not been caused by eating too fast, eating too much or not chewing well enough, I find sipping something warm and soothing helps a lot. I have had good luck with chamomile tea, pepperment tea and my current favorite Ginger and Lemon tea by Twinnings. Good Luck,
   — Sharyle L.

March 24, 2001
Hello, I am only 3 weeks post-op myself. But, I too, suffered with nausea espcially in the mornings. So, I called my drs. office and ask them about it, they said I was going too long without food. That made sense for the mornings, and they were right. I just needed to work on eating sooner or drinking diluted oj. For the other times when I am nauseaed, for some reason ice-water does the trick. Hope this helps. ((Hugs))
   — clbsgo

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